
It's been said that "radical muslims" are a small % causing "trouble" then how should I interpret this video?

by Guest67084  |  earlier

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Before anyone gets their hair from the back of their necks standing, please watch this video which is current '2008' over some cartoon demonstrations.

I can understand a demonstration, in the UK and many western states and countries you are allowed to do this, but why the hateful signs and hateful words?

When answering, please do not change the topic of the question and babble about other things. Stick to the topic at hand. And please don't answer with "USA and Hollywood" propaganda because I know better.

Thank you!




  1. What video?

  2. Where is the video?

  3. No link.  Typical American incompetence, I see. j/k

  4. many people think terroist attacks are the main threat from islam.This is not true the real threat is that it trys to impose its ideolligy by intimidation and pollitall corectness i know because i live in uk we will be living under sharia law soon

  5. we all know that for every action there is a reaction

    when a group of people invade, or occupy or, abuse, or steal the resources, or chase and replace, another group  of people, expect a reaction. for example:

    The european in south Africa

    The whites and the red indians

    The westerns and the middle east

    the israelis and the palestenian

    the georgian and the russians

    the whites and black africa\

    It is always grabing land, oil, water, uranium, etc

    as long there is unfairness, there will be revolt against it. and always religion will a uniting vehicle to start that reaction.

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