
It's been snowing and hailing for the past 4 days here in SEATTLE is this global warming?

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'cuz I get confused, they say cooling is warming and warming is warming because it's "climate changes, fool"

so is this snow, global warming? Al Gore is breaking our spirits so we'll happily pay his carbon taxes, but I just need to be "told" once again?




  1. I thought that was just standard Seattle weather?

    the weather pattern's you're experiencing, much the same as the current weather patterns on East Coast of Australia are caused by La Nina which is a reversal of the currents that cause the El Nino weather pattern.

  2. Pay no attention to the 'deniers'! Soon they will be the ones on the rooftops screaming for help, that'll never come! I'm here in N.Kitsap,and there was a freak blizzard on a very small area of Bainbridge Is. today! The everwidening parameters of weather records is a direct result of global warming. What if summer never comes? It doesn't look like it will get very warm anytime soon around here. I've been stocking up on emergency food and supplies! You should also.

  3. It is totally global warming. [not ;)] I get so tired of hearing people rave about global warming. It drives me nuts!

  4. Weather can overpower climate change - for a short time.

    This is just one below average winter, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  5. Reread the story of chicken little.

  6. Sure.  Global warming causes record snow fall.  The consensus has said so.  The more snow you have, the more global warming is taking effect.

    Global warming causes everything, and is a few years, the temperature will be 450 degrees, raining sulfuric acid and we'll all be cannibals.

  7. Are you reacting to the weather because you don't know?  I mean global warming is an important issue.  And it is confusing.  It is better to error and wait until you are sure about global warming.  We are really starting to believe in the problem.  And we need to educate ourselves.  But we also need to sort out our reactions and decide what is best for us to do individually.  Global warming is not for everyone.  Take your time and decide what is healthy for you.

  8. You just don't see the big picture.  Go to Alaska and see what is left of the glaciers sometime.

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