
It's called Persian gulf, NOT Arabian gulf?

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Google has switched the name of Persian gulf into Arabian gulf. Why? did Arabian countries pay google to change the name? wtf? The Persian empire owned the whole area. The name was always Persian.

If anyone leaves any racist remarks is an IDIOT who has schit for breakfast and pee for lunch.




  1. The Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea are two different things.  What is your reference that Google has switched?  I just checked and here is the result I got:

    Google Search: arabian gulf  Did you mean: Persian Gulf. Your search - arabian gulf - did not match any documents. No pages were found containing "arabian gulf". Suggestions: ... - Similar pages

    Before it was the Persian Gulf, it was the Red Sea.  The United Nations still recognize it as the Persian Gulf.  See the below website for more about the controversy.

  2. I don't really have a clue except perhaps for the fact Americans are on better terms with Arab countries than the Persian ones these days. Ironically, it is the Arab countries which are the source of most of the terrorism in this country. In the final analysis, it's just all about oil in my opinion.

  3. The rationale is that most of the coast line of the Gulf is Arab .

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