
It's fifteen degrees below zero in Minnesota, Is it due to global warming?

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It's fifteen degrees below zero in Minnesota, Is it due to global warming?




  1. It is a local weather pattern and as such is not a global event.

  2. Now global warming is called "climate change" or "weird weather" to cover the times when temperatures are reaching record lows and snows are reaching record amounts.

    I wonder why no one predicted this?  We're told that computer models have the ability to 100% aaccurately hindcast the climate.  If that's true, then why couldn't they foresee the cold?

  3. No, it's not due to climate change.  It's due to a weather phenomena known as "Winter."  If climate change hadn't happened, on average your 15 degree below zero days might average a fraction of a degree colder... close to 16 degrees below.

    Are you noticing that?  Would you notice that?  Probably not.  Would you expect to notice a fraction of a degree change?

    What a couple of degrees chance could do though is dry up muncipal water supplies, threaten crops and agricultural regions, challenge the food chain in world oceans, and so on.  That whole time it will still be cold in Minnesota in winter.

  4. No.

  5. It could be due to the fact that it's winter.  Typically Jan-Feb is the colder part of the year.

  6. Its called Climate Change!

    Global warming is just one small piece of this...

    Go Read, Go Reseach...

  7. it's always 15 below in minnesota

  8. Of course.  Every bad thing in the world is due to global warming.

  9. Yes, it was cold today, and yes I feel we are starting to trend back to having extremely cold weather up here in Minnesota during the winter months. We have been a bit spoiled the last few years where our winters were getting milder.

    (I say last few, due to the fact that 2004 was a brutal winter.)

    So there is only a couple things we can do:

    1.) Is to move South

    2.) Brace ourselves for long brutal winters again.

  10. Da...It is winter in Minnesota, it's supposed to be cold...

  11. It's laughable, but in listening to AGW advocates I have noticed that there is seemingly NO weather situation that does not result from AGW.

    If a large part of the U.S. suffers record cold temps.....then it's due to AGW.  If large expanses of China suffer severe cold temps and snow.....then it's due to AGW.  If it rains more than normal somewhere......(you guessed it)....then it's due to nauseum.

    It's like the AGW 'Mutual Admiration Society' have given all of its members 'trump' cards to use when the so-called 'science' swings the wrong way.

    Unfortunately, a very large number of groupies jumped on the AGW wagon early on and have basically argued themselves into a corner......with some very large egos keeping them there!

  12. Global warming isn't a blowtorch that eliminates winter.

    It threatens to cause massive damage to our advanced society, when it simply gets to a 2C average increase.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Most scientists say, in 20-50 years. But we need to start right now to fix it, fixing it will take even longer than that.

    The bottom line:

    "We humans have built a remarkable socioeconomic system during perhaps the only time when it could be built, when climate was sufficiently stable to allow us to develop the agricultural infrastructure required to maintain an advanced society.

    If the Earth came with an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a caveat that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort, so don't touch the dials."

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