
It's food for thought...but it wracks my brain. Is it the same for you?

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In what order did man and animals, (dinasours), come into this world? I'm really confused because, some people say that man evolved from apes, others claim that God created man and animals but not everyone belives in God (sadly). When did the dinasours come into the picture because there's proof of their exsistance but when exactly did they appear??!! Keeping in mind that there's no way animals such as lions, goats, cows, gazelle's exsisted at the same the dinasours did because it's obvious the dinasours would have wiped out the animals! So, can anyone PLEASE expain it to me??!




  1. Dinosaurs lived up to about 65 million years ago, when most of them died out and those that survived evolved into today's birds.

    At that time, there weren't any of the animals you mention - but there *were* mammals, in the form of small shrew-like creatures.

    I don't know why you say it was obvious that the dinosaurs would have wiped out the mammals. Dinos were all sizes, from little chicken-sized ones to the big T Rexes. Just like today, the little creatures survive by hiding or running away from the big ones - and by being much more numerous, so that the big ones can't eat them all.

    In any case, man didn't come onto the scene until about half a million years ago - more than 60 million years after the dinos.

    And Marie: I'd quibble with what your point. It's not false to say that humans evolved from apes: humans ARE apes. We are quite definitely a branch of the ape family and it's just as true to say that we evolved from apes as that we evolved from a common ancestor with the apes.

  2. Well, going by what the Bible says, the world was created in 7 days, right? That doesn't mean a day was one of our days (24 hours). A day to God could have been 1 million years, we don't know. But, I think man was created last in the whole mix.

  3. You are right, those animals you mentioned weren't around with the big guys.

    "Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrate animals of terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) to the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), when most of them became extinct in the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event.....most paleontologists regard birds as the only surviving dinosaurs and some believe dinosaurs and birds should be put together under one biological class....Non-avian dinosaurs suddenly became extinct approximately 65 million years ago. Many other groups of animals also became extinct at this time, including ammonites (nautilus-like mollusks), mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, herbivorous turtles and crocodiles, most birds, and many groups of mammals."

  4. religious people belive god created everything. the more scietific version is that we evloved from apes.

    how come some are still apes? now thats the question

  5. I couldn't get any further than, "some people say that man evolved from apes".

    Pleae note. This is NOT what Darwin or those who support him said. What darwin said is (and I am paraphrasing here), 'HUMANS SHARED A COMMON ANCESTOR WITH APES."

    Gah. One of my biggets pet peeves.

  6. simple, self reproducing (poorly) molecules > single cells > multicellularity > simple algae, and flagellates (motion) > primitive swimming forms > fish > amphibians > reptiles (including dinosaurs) > mammals > primates > man. Dinosaurs (except for birds) became extinct 62.5 million years ago. The Earth is 4,600,000,000 years old. Life is around 3,800,000,000 years old. Google "evolution", or use Wikipedia.

  7. a thought.. but not really something that i'll allow to wrack me.  there's just things that can't be explained proficiently. you can only take one or two theories at a time - so don't be too hard on yourself.

  8. Man has only been around about 3000 years as far as we know...The Earth has been here a h**l of a lot longer, so had the Dinasours and other creatures in the sea and on land. One of these creatures was the Ape, whose DNA (Now this is where I think we evolved) was extracted by an Alien race that was searching for compatable life forms. (No Aliens were not apes) Alien DNA was cross into Apes and man was born. He only needed the intelligent strands of DNA given to him to compete against all the other life forms and become master of all he surveyed. Thats how I think Man evolved and today we are still visited and observed and DNA is still taken by the very race of Aliens that formed the Human race. Why do you think they havent invaded us so far...

    Well they dont want to, we are there cousins.

    Well thats my outragous views anyway.!

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