
It's hailing?

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the weirdest thing happened today you know almost summer, it started hailing out of nowhere and it was like 20 something degrees (celcius) [ i live in canada]

global warming is coming sooner than i thought!




  1. Hail is proof that the climate is cooling.  The air temperature must be cold lower at the surface for hail to form.

    If the air temperature is warm, the hail melts before it hits the ground.

    Not everything is caused by warming.  Much of what we are seeing this year are signs that the climate is cooling.

  2. its called global normal and the 500 year old ice age is coming again

  3. OMG i know, (i live in canada too)

    I also believe in global warming, and protect the environment eveyday.

    Its creepy, but we can slow it down, the first phase of 'global warming' or 'new ice age' is severe weather. than of course, global heating. 'Floods of great lakes and oceans' than, THE ICE its scairy i know, but hopefully all of us good people will get through it alright!


    Courtney D.

  4. - weather and climate are not the same.  i know that's a hard concept for some.

    - hail never occurs when it's really cold.  there isn't enough moisture in the air.

    - as you go higher, where the water freezes, it gets colder.  up around 35-40,000 feet, where comercial planes fly, typical temperatures are -60,  or so.

    however, on one point you are correct, global warming is coming sooner than most of us thought.

  5. Well first off, don't blame everything on "global warming."

    The climate is cyclic.  We're in a strange pattern right now in North America, and it is very similar to one that happened about 50 years ago.

    Don't panic whenever it rains or hails or if it seems hot one day.

  6. I doubt one unusual event means it's due to global warming.  If this would happen a lot more frequently over a period of several years. . . yeah, that might be global warming.

    It's been very wet in some of the central U.S. of late. . . that's not global warming, that's an interesting weather pattern.  This comes around every 10-20 years, and I don't know that I'd call it global warming.  I think it's Midwestern weather.

  7. What the h**l has hail got to do with it?

    I live in Canada too, and it's been so unusually cold for the past year that global warming would be welcome here, if it was for real.

    (A question like this can only come from Toronto I bet.  They're the most brain-dead people you'll ever meet.)

  8. Hail is usually a warm season phenomenon, it requires deep convection to generate hail of any size. The tropopause level is expected to go up with global warming, which would probably result in stronger thunderstorms, so there probably would be more hail.  Good call.

    EDIT: In the spirit of the question, I was mostly being facetious, since you can't connect individual weather events with climate change.  By the way Dr J, you might want to look up hail in a meteorology textbook.

  9. it's ok it really has nothing to do with global warming. in Colorado, when i went there, it was snowing and it was JUNE!

  10. i dont believe in global warming . its a phase of the earth.
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