
It's interesting, that Creationism (a pseudo-science) is actually its own religion, with an agenda to harass..

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...the true sciences, by coming on here every day, and posting the same idiotic question "If man came from apes, why are there still apes?", as if the concept of evolution was the equivalent of "replacement"...

It's as if scientists had the agenda to brainwash religious folks, in attempt to make them see things their way, by having a different individual go to the R & S section each day, and ask, "If God created Creationists, Why is there still a God?"...

It's bad enough when Mormons and Jevovah's Witnesses come to my door, and try and bash me over the head with their hypnotic ideologies, but do religious extremists actually believe that they are doing any good by trying to "force" others to accept their poorly thought out systems of beliefs on faith, by using an inappropriate format, which does not welcome them?




  1. People who come here to ask such questions are likely NOT doing so with any sort of agenda...and not here to "bash anyone over the head" with ideology...they are simply people who are on a quest for knowledge..undecided, perhaps, in what they believe in, and searching for answers.  Some (probably most) have no formal education in the study of anthropology.  Many, perhaps, have only exposure to religious doctrine handed down to them from their parents.  I would venture to say that the people who come here with questions such as the one you mentioned above, are people who are critical thinkers...they have taken that "big step" outside the "box", and wish to take in other thoughts, opinions, and facts... they don't deserve to be treated like intellectual inferiors.  I've posted a question a time or two in here and then received insulting emails as a result:  one person said that "I'm so open-minded my brains have fallen out." Nice, eh?  It would be nice if people in this forum could treat others with just a bit more respect.

    Just my opinion.

  2. Stick to believing what you do and let the others deal with those matters

  3. i believe they are only trying to convert people so they can get a gold crown promised to them for each person they do convert... and i thought the bible was supposed to teach them its not about having riches whether on earth or in their spirit world. then again i have found the religion and religous book to constantly contradict itselfm when will they ever get it right?... never probably

  4. Creationism or Creation Science, as its advocates like to call it, is an instance of what must happen when people try to harmonize faith with science. It is a popular dogma in the U.S. that there is no conflict between science and religion, but the continuing debate over evolution suggests otherwise. What is really interesting about all this is that very few scientific theories occasion this kind of controversy despite the fact that many of them directly contradict a literal interpretation of the bible.

    For example:  the first account of creation in Genesis (There are two incompatible creation stories in Genesis - the first one takes six days and the second is accomplished in a day) reflects the cosmology of the time. The earth is a flat disk and the sky is an inverted bowl that rests on the edge of the earth-disk. This bubble is immersed in a watery chaos which threatens to destroy everything, should the sky spring a leak. The sun, moon and stars are all attached to the sky and move about on it.

    No biblical literalist with any respectability - not Mike Huckabee, not even Pat Robertson - believes this is the way things are. They know they would be laughed to scorn (to borrow a phrase from the KJV) if they tried to argue the point. They also know that our very lucrative high-tech civilization could not exist if we went about our daily lives assuming this is how things are. We would never waste time, effort and money trying to launch space shuttles and satellites – some of which are vital in spreading their nonsense around the world and keeping up with all their money - if we were convinced they would just bump into one of the lights roaming about on the sky-dome. But Copernicus and Galileo faced exactly this opposition. Galileo publicly recanted his assertion that the earth was not the center of the universe to keep the Robertsons and Huckabees of his day from killing him for heresy.

    It’s a power thing. Fundamentalist Christianity can only survive when people are willing to believe what they are told to believe, so the priests of fundamentalism have to pick their battles carefully. They don’t question the theory of gravity. They don’t ask stupid questions like, “If gravity is real, why don’t helium-filled balloons fall to the ground?” They focus on human vanity, the belief we are special among all life. They know many people find it demeaning to think they are related, not only to apes, but to the fungus that grows between our toes. They also know that people are more willing to obey archaic moral codes if they believe a god who controls earthquakes, hurricanes, and the afterlife is watching.

    The Creationists are not fools; they believe we are.

  5. Now, now, be nice.

    I see their visits as more akin to those that want to stamp out p**n. They're shocked, simply shocked, to discover so much p**n. Then they keep looking at, whoops, for it.

    Today, while answering a question, I checked out how many theories of creationism there are. I was shocked, simply shocked, to discover so many different ones. (at least 8) Once you got into them you more and more saw evolution. Albeit as a "tool" or being "guided" by a supernatural force.

    I doubt anyone will go away. So smile and ask them why 23 October isn't a holiday?

  6. I retired to the family ranch in a rural area of Texas & have contributed to the litreracy of the group you mention.  For some years they couldn't read "NO TRESSPASSING" signs on my gate, so I posted some targets with very nice shot groups just beneath the signs.  This has greately enhanced their ability to read.

    As I have previously posted, these people are anti science & pro "supernatural/magic."  It is beyond me as to why they resist the quest for truth & rational thought, but as you posted, perhaps they think if enough believe in magic, that will make it so.  

    Long ago, I considered doing a study on this crowd, but too much contact with them leads to a pessimistic outlook on the future of human kind.  I am amazed that we managed to advance as far as we have with so many foot draggers sitting on the wagon.

  7. Jehovah's Witnesses are absolutely *NOT* Creationists. They believe that the universe, planets, and earth itself must be untold millions of years old.

    While Jehovah's Witnesses do not pretend to be privy to the particularities of exactly how the Almighty created the spirit realm or the physical universe, they do note that the creation account in Genesis uses an interesting phrase: "[created] according to its kind".

    According to Hebrew scholars, the term “kind” here means a created or family kind, but with those terms' older traditional meanings and not the modern scientific nomenclature of organisms. That seems to indicate that each general family organism "kind" was directly created, rather than allowed to evolve from a previously existing "kind".

    There is no reason to assume that interesting "in between" or so-called "almost there" fossils are not simply extinct species in their own right. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the bible is in complete agreement with true science.

    Learn more:

  8. It's the more thought-out 'questions' - deliberate deceptions  aimed at the uninformed on the subject that I find most disgusting. I mean take a look at some of the 'questions' I've answered in my history... oh, I had to make it private due to Creationist harassment.

  9. And they have their own museum, the Creation Museum.  It is chock full of hilarious dioramas such as the ones showing Eve cavorting with Velociraptors, and a child riding a saddle-broken Triceratops.  Apparently nothing is too absurd for the "museum's" curators.  But when the believers in such nonsense are asked: "what medicines, or medical breakthroughs has creation science developed?"...they become strangely silent.

  10. Misery loves company.  Religiosity requires a surrender of reason.  That surrender of reason for the comfort of a pat set of answers breeds feeble-mindedness.  The conceptual beliefs and constructs that evolve from irrationality and subjective magical-thinking cannot stand up in the light of reality and objective illumination.  The "monkey on the back" addiction in subjective belief systems is related to the delicious, intoxicating raptures of that surrender of reason.  People lost in that addiction would do ANYTHING for that magical bubble of belief system to be sustained.  Above all else, subjective belief systems MUST be imposed on others in order for the bubble to be sustained, either through state religions, intolerance, legislated morality and other such subjective tyrannies of the true human spirit.  Subjective magical-thinkers believe that if EVERYONE believed in the magic then the magic will come true.

  11. Well you kinda hit the nail squarely.  America today in not at all unified.  That is why the current political regime is still in power.

    I consider Creationist as terrorist.  The main goal of terrorist is the reshape another culture to be more like theirs.  That is exactly what some of these Christian extremest in America are trying to do.  One of their targets is the primary educational system.  They want to eliminate the teaching of biology in primary education.  Thereby dumbing down children and hoping these children will become members of the flock.  This in turn strengthen the army of Godly pursuits and allows even more attempts at restructuring American culture.

    If things keep progressing the way they are, in my mind, there will be a religious war in America.  Headed by the extremist Christian terrorist, against all other religion, save perhaps the Jews.

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