
It's late August - why have we had a total of about ten days of summer weather this year?

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I thought the planet had a fever? Seems more like it has a cold.




  1. You had ten days of summer weather?  Wow...where I live we were using our car heaters in July which has never happened before.  The beach has been virtually empty most days.  It's cool here for the second summer in a row.

  2. If you want to play that game, July was the 5th warmest month on record, GLOBALLY. It has just been cooler in the US.

    "The combined average global land and ocean surface temperature for July 2008 tied with 2001 and 2003 as the fifth warmest July since worldwide records began in 1880, according to an analysis by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C."

    Looks like the recent La Nina is moderating...

    Are you sure you want to continue this line of questioning?

  3. It's due to global cooling.  Be sure to go see my new movie.  An Inconvenient Load of Baloney.  It will show why increased hot air from politicians is actually lowering temperatures.

  4. What are you talking about?   Most of the last ten days have been over 90.   Its August- it should be in the low 70's with some rain.

  5. I have been reading that some scientists now say we can expect global cooling instead of warming, I will just flip my coin like the meteorologists do to tell the weather for next week.  

  6. I know it is usually hotter than this by now. Maybe what we are doing to help is starting to work.

  7. The global temperature is going up, this is a fact and it is a trend. You can dispute if it is man-made or not.

    What the scientific community is predicting is chaotic weather patterns related to warming of the planet. The warmer temperature melts the ice wherever it is and the water flows to the oceans or turn into vapor. The ocean water also turns into vapor when the surface temperature is right. The more vapor in the atmosphere, the more rain, storms, floods and snowfall because that is how the atmosphere "cools" itself. The more the need for cooling, the more chaotic weather we are going to see. Humankind is not helping when it puts tons of pollution particles in the atmosphere everyday because the water vapor condenses around dust and pollution particles to form water droplets (I will not discuss the greenhouse effect of pollution particles).

    There is a warming trend, 1 or 2 small degrees, one year after the other, almost unnoticeable. But it will continue. It will disrupt your life, one way or another. You can't help it but to wait and see.

  8. one degree over a ten year period does not constitute a fever.

    I don't understand what the big howl about Global Warming is, other than a scare tactic, the way that some people talk, you would think that the earth is going to burst into flames any moment.

    and on the other hand you have people who have the opinion that as long as it doesn't affect them, then it is not important.

  9. THATS BECAUSE PEOPLE LISTENED TO AL GORE WHO CLAIMED HE INVENTED THE ******* INTERNET!!!!! the earth goes through stages of heating and cooling ITS NATURAL theres no such thing as global warming!!! no im not ignorant, ive watched his movie and then did some research  of my own unlike EVERYBODY ELSE WHO BELIEVES WHATEVER THEYRE TOLD WITHOUT EVER HAVING AN ORIGINAL a few years, or maybe even months the earth will start cooling again and maybe good old al will say theres and ice age coming


  11. No, that's global warming... all the CARBON DIOXIDE magically warms the earth, by cooling it! It's highly scientific, and far too complicated to be easily disproven by ice-core samples.

    Be afraid! Booga booga booga! Global warming has got your number! Submit!

  12. Here in the Southern California desert it has gotten at least up to 75F everyday this summer. I think that in and of itself proves that Al Gore is correct. Last winter in Big Bear it got as hot as 25 in winter. Something is not right here. It should not be this hot in Big Bear in winter. We must all stop driving automobiles immediately. So please send in you donations to Al Gore. All donations accepted but checks over $1,000 preferred. Please go to Al Gore's website for his address.

  13. Who is "we"?  Where I live it's been over 100 degrees most of the summer.

    As usual, your question belongs in the weather section, not the global warming section.  The problem with deniers is they can't tell the difference.

  14. Yeah true. I find it hilarious just how quickly the greenies changed their term from 'global warming' to 'climate change.'

    What I find to be scary is how our government is making, and passing laws based on bad science, and not enough knowledge of  the history of the climate to understand what will happen in the future.

    Sorry global warming people, but the history, and future of the world is far more complicated than the study of the past few years.(Many of the gadgets they are using to mesure climate change have only been developed recently). Thirty years ago, just before global warming(for those who remember), we were all gonna freeze to death in an ice age.

    Oh wait...The sky is falling(or was it that the sun just wen't down-lmao). Sorry greenies...I guess my Al Gore brainwashing wore off.

  15. oy! its really hot here in Minnesota

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