
It's my ball python's First Shed!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone! I am a new owner, I have had my ball python for about a month now. He's been eating regular and now he's starting to show signs of his first shed with me! (Ie, Milky eyes and crinkly, rough skin) I want to make sure it gos well for my little guy and I was wondering if anyone has any advice for making it more comfortable for him. I have been wetting the moss down and keeping the temp in the high eighties with about 60 percent humidity. (I have a digital one best buy I have made so far :) ) . I feed him in a separate enclosure as well and handle him daily. Should I do anything different? I have seen some special boxes that people have made or bought for this time, should I have one of those? Thanks for the help in advance guys :)




  1. You are doing great! The only thing is that if it's having a tough time shedding,  wet it down and rub off the skin..

  2. Sounds like you are doing everything right.

    One thing that might help is to have something rough like sticks or vines they climb on to rub against the get the pealing started.

  3. Sounds like ya doing good :) You just need to make sure that he has a water bowl to soak in and the tank is kept humid. Also he will need something rough to rub against to help him get the skin off, and while his eyes are cloudy you should probably leave him alone as he will get easily scared because he won't be able to see =]

  4. Sounds like you are doing great.  The whole process can take a while (a week or two).  If something happens and your snake doesn't shed properly, like it comes off in bits and pieces or something, then you could make a humidity box for your snake.  Take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to fit in it comfortably.  Get the short boxes for soaking snakes…the box should be about the height to go under a bed.  Drill several small holes along the sides at the top for airflow (this box can also be used as a feeding tub for your snake).  Put about a half inch or an inch of lukewarm water (about 80 Fahrenheit) and put the top on the plastic tub and “soak” the snake for about 3 hours (changing the water every so often if needed).  The reason to do this in a plastic tub with only a half inch or inch of water is because it's the humidity that this creates that helps the skin loosen and come off easier for your snake.  

    Good luck.

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