
It's my first day at school and i don't know what to do...?

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My first day at school is gonna be soon, n me and my friends have talked a lot about our schedules, but the problem is that we're not in each others classes! What do I do? P.S. anyone have any suggestions about what to wear on the first day of school? my school has uniform, so there's not much of a choice, but does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. hmm, well schedules will change in the winter probably, and you still can have lunch together. If anything this will either help you pay more attention to school or meet new people.

  2. Yeah that happened to me too. But it's really not as bad as you think. When I was in 6th grade, I had friends in all my classes, so I talked, didn't pay attention, got in trouble, and I didn't know how to depend on myself for homework and tests because we would all always cheat (heh) and I ended up failing math. So in 7th I was on my own without any friends in most of my classes, and I said to myself: "Oh sh*t, what am I gonna do now?" So I went through the year alone in all the boring classes and I did fine, I just paid attention more and actually got work done. I know it's boring, but you'll understand that you need to be able to stand on your own.

    For style since you have uniforms, I don't know how to help you much there. Maybe you could put clip on bows in your hair? Or umm, necklaces? Haha I dunno, you'll think of something ;)

    Good luck! And it's really not that bad.


  3. switch your schedules. and become the most popular girl in school.

    wear nothing.

    unless your ugly or a fatty. then that would just be damaging to your classmates eyes.  

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