
It's my grandma's b-day this sunday and I have no idea what to get her!!! Please help!?

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Ok, so she is pretty much like any other grandma... you know... coffee drinker, likes to gossip with her other oldy friends. I don't know what to get her! Any idea's?




  1. A photo of yourself framed.  Or you could take her to the movies - they like it when you spend time with them

  2. get her a Wii

  3. Get her a nevv coffee mug, or some flovvers, most grandma's love flovvers. Or just take her out to lunch.

  4. Get her a gift card for her favourite coffee shop or take her and a couple of her friends out for coffee and cake

    all the best and I hope Grandma has a nice birthday

  5. Have a coffe cup made for her that has your picture on it.

  6. well if she is like most grandmas she has more junk than she has room for so get her some flowers or take her to dinner get her some gourmet coffee something like that but no nick knacks shes got more than enough of that kinda of junk and no place to put it

  7. Cook for her  ^_^

  8. Last year, I got my grandma some "happy." (I asked what she wanted, and she said she just wanted to be happy.)

    I wrote a little story in which all of her grandkids tried to make her happy.  In the story, each of her grandkids gave her a gift (which I had all wrapped...)

    ex: My cousin Robert wanted to make her happy, and thought that having a cup of coffee would help.  then, cue me giving her a coffee mug that i'd wrapped.

    i gave her several little cute gifts.  A puzzle, a picture of the family, some cookies that she likes.  the gift itself wasn't all that great- but she loved my creativity.  She really was so happy.

    Good luck!

  9. A picture that goes with her house.. you can get that for as cheap as about 7 or 8 dollars

    a coffee mug..  with a nice saying on it

    A homemade card

  10. a pic of u and her in a nice picture frame for her to put up in the house or take her to lunch.

  11. Get her a gift card to her favorite coffee place, so she can treat herself and her friends!


  13. Our grandma loves reading books and was upset when this became harder with her glasses so we got a family whip around happening and got her small cd player and put stickers on the buttons she had to use eg> red- play etc and bought her a few audio books ands she cried she absolutely loved it she can now listen to her favourite stories  anytime she wants,

  14. A nice birthday card, make her some cookies or a special treat, and give her stamps. They are ALWAYS a huge hit with my grandma. lol Don't forget to call her and sing Happy Birthday!

  15. Jewlry or a hand made card

  16. Almost any Gramma likes a handmade card and a few flowers!

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