
It's my second period should i...?

by  |  earlier

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start using tampons? i'm just scared i'll put it in wrong and/or it'll hurt.




  1. i didnt start using a tampon til about a year later.

    but if you think you will feel more confortable using it then go for it.

    it hurts the first time but every time after that you get use to it.

    i recommend using the sport tampons. its very confortable. the perals arent.

  2. Try it and slowly put it in.

    if it starts to sting or hurt pull it out.

    but im about to have my second period and i wouldnt use a tampon. You should wait awhile.

    I tried it and woah it stung. oh when it all went in.

    good luck and hope this was what you were looking for.

  3. if ur uncomfortable then just wear pads. tampons don't hurt that much but the first few times it will feel weird putting it in. just relax. read the instructions and everything should be ok if u decide to wear them. once u wear them a couple times tho, it doesn't really hurt and u can't even tell it's in. if u can feel it when u have it in, then it's in wrong and u need to take it out and get a new one.

    good luck.  

  4. It's different with everyone.  Try it out, if you don't like it then you can just quit and go back to pads.  I personally don't like them, but that's just me.

  5. I think you should wait a bit till your periods have become regular, as you say its only your second one. Then you're used to using pads and what your flow is like. When you use tampons you should always use the lowest absorbancy when you first try them. As there is something called Toxic Shock Syndrome, although it is very rare. There are always instructions that come with the tampons just read them carefully. You might want to check out this website. It's got useful stuff about using tampons.

  6. If I were you i wouldn't

    wait a while then go ahead

    for now stick to pads!!

  7. ask your mum. I know it sounds creepy asking your mum about how to put it in, but thats best. Or look at the back of the box, it has instructions on there.

    I hardly doubt you'l put it in wrong, and it dosnt hurt.

    i prefer pads thou. it's easier!

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