
It's not usual to feel like cutting yourself whenever you're tired is it?

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Whenever i get sleepy, i feel suicidal, i have strong urges to drink copious amounts of alcohol and cut myself.

For the past 3 or 4 months i've been sooo emotional about everything. A girl at work is mean to me and i suddenly feel so worthless, i really just don't see the point in living anymore, i don't do anything, i feel like i deserve to die because i feel so weak. Because of her. this always happens.

I have no-one, i'm so alone.

Besides going to the doctors, what do you think i should do?




  1. It's good that you recognise that you need help, and the sooner you get the help you need you will start to get better.

    You need to get to the heart of your problems before you are able to deal with it, the best person to help you with this would be a clinical psychologist who will help you work through your problems.

    People see your GP for an urgent referral.

    Good luck x

  2. Please contact a suicide hot line. ASAP.

    And go talk to someone..a doctor, a relative, someone.

  3. First of all, please don't kill yourself.  It isn't worth it.  There is fun out there and sooner or later, you will find it.  You may want to even look for a new job or tell your employer about what it going on with this other girl.  You do not deserve to be put through this especially since it is hurting you so much.  

    The drinking isn't helping, but I don't have to tell you that.  Its actually fun to drink socially and get buzzed and hang out, but when you are drinking the way you are and doing it alone, then that is a major problem.  

    lastly, try really hard not to listen to what other people say or care about what they say.  If you spend all your time concerned with your own life, you won' t have time to worry about the idiots.. Take care of you first... good luck...

  4. Just remember that it is not the co-worker that makes you feel this way. It is you that makes you feel this way. Do anything you can to avoid letting her get to you like this. I understand feeling weak because you are letting someone control your emotions.

    Somehow telling you this almost makes me feel better about my similar situation.

  5. Contact a suicide hot line, cal a psych hospital and see if there are any support groups in your area.  Join AA if nothing else, to help you learn how to deal with those alcohol intake struggles- no I'm not calling you an alcoholic, but AA may be a good support group for you.

    Try taking St John's Wort as prescribed on the bottle.  It is an anti-depressant.  

    I sincerely suggest that you seek professional health care treatment ASAP.  Not only do you have self-esteem issues, but have spun off into a significant depression.  You need some help.   NOW.

  6. i feel like that alot and i write in my diary how i feel it seems to help because im letting it all out and i hug my kittens it really helps i sugest just getting along rest go on a trip or go to a spa relax it feels good and helps alot dont do anything you regret dont feel bad about somebody who was rude at work that happens to me alot at school she will pay for it later. i hope u start feeling better soon  

  7. Well wanting to cut when you're tired i haven't seen but getting tired and so tired you're body starts to shut down i have seen, so when the woman at work is being horrible before it didn't bother you but because you're tired you're shutting down you let it get to you.

    Best thing is get some sleep and see if that helps and stand up to the woman at work.. good luck

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