
It's okay to use kerry's military record against him but not against Mccain? And Mccain was for using torture?

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It's okay to use kerry's military record against him but not against Mccain? And Mccain was for using torture?




  1. John Kerry served our Country in the Vietnam War, even John McCain has said he served his country well. The attack ads were created by the "Swiftboat" group and were not affiliated with George Bush.

    John McCain is a decorated war hero and a POW (prisoner of war) HE was the one being tortured. Even though i am not voting for Mr, McCain, I have all the respect in the world for his service to our country.

    He was BEING tortured, not performing torture on others (unless you have to listen to his speeches)

  2. A candidate's past and records are fair game. However, both sides distort and outright lie to destroy the opponent. Most US voters are unable to tell the difference between facts and lies.

    A lie told often enough becomes the truth - Lenin (1870 - 1924)

    “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” - Adolf Hitler

  3. Exactly what are you talking about? Seems to me it was the other way around for McCain !  Kerry's military record was used against him because he tried to boost it up and use it for him

  4. When was McCain in favor of using torture? He was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese, and currently at least, he is against us using it. My guess is that he's never been in favor, not for like 40 years at least.

    I don't think it was OK to use Kerrys military record since most of what they came up with was lies. I haven't seen anything from McCains military record that could be used against him.

  5. i believe the correct phrase would be "the LACK of kerry's military record"

    i still think its unbelievably narcissistic for someone to literally replay a 'battle' for future posterity.  kerry is sooooooo in love with himself, he didn't realize he filmed a puny, tiny, infinitesimal, speck-like incident in comparison to any real soldier's experience.  have to laugh at that one, especially when you consider he likely inflated even that when he 'replayed' himself.

    also funny to see how people, desperate to find SOMETHING untoward to hang on McCain, are really really scraping the bottom of the barrel in their search for 'comparisons'.  hee hee  

  6. get your facts straight before you post,mc cain is and always has been against torture.

  7. I am a Vietnam veteran....

    Kerry held his military service up like a "free pass" ....trying to use that service as a springboard to the White House.... the entire convention was built around his service record...... this made his service and later anti-war protesting a part of his campaign.... Having been where he was.....having done similar work during the same time frame..... I found a lot of holes in his biography..... a lot of lies and distortions..... while I am not a "Swiftie"....much of what they said was true

    McCain does not use his military service as a central theme of his campaign..... He does not say because he was a POW he deserves the White House..... instead he points to his 22 years of government service to the people of Arizona..... he compares his record to the 129 DAYS of government service enjoyed by is like a kindergartner running against a college graduate..... the "child" is cute but hardly equipped to do the job

    BTW I do not like McCain personally.....met him......but he is the HUGELY better choice in this race  

  8. Yes, both those things are fine with me. Kerry is a phony baloney. McCain is a hero. Define torture. Water boarding is not torture.

  9. I didn't know McCain turned against his fellow soldiers and veterans and became a traitor..........!!!!

    (((HUGE sarcasm!!!!!)))

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