
It's our FAMILY TRADITION - that the daughter's wears their mother's wedding dress?

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My oldest has been giving me so much grief - I'm so stressed out! She has to wear this dress. She can't break the tradition!! I'm paying for the wedding that's the least she can do.

She is wearing it or I'm not paying

Here is a picture of the dress - purchased brand new from her Great, Great Grandma. We have all worn this DRESS!

It's beautiful!




  1. Doesn't matter how pretty it is or what the family tradition is.  What a jerk YOU are for making this demand!

  2. ok, guys she got the picture from a museum. it's an old lady wearing the dress.

    boy, she/he must be really bored. go read his/her other posts

  3. why not get her to get pictures done in the dress for the family tradition part of the wedding....

    and then she could get her own dress for the actual wedding...

    it might be that she doesn't actually like the dress.. it might be to old fashioned for her...

    comprose is needed from both of you...

    good luck..

    enjoy the day...

  4. People think you're serious, too!!

  5. You should know how stressful wedding planning can be so why would you add anymore stress for your daughter. If she does not want to wear the dress I don't think it is fair that you demand she wears it. Or hold repercussions for her not wearing it that is just wrong in my opinion.

    I think you should come to some sort of compromise where maybe she can wear a part of it or have the existing fabric remade into a style that she likes.

    Remember it is her day NOT yours.


    Hmm nevermind fake question for shock value

  6. i don't think this one was as good as your other ones =/ sorry

  7. You're joking, right?

  8. My dear acquanet.  Yes, it is a beautiful dress.  Just might want to take it in a bit in the waistline, and cut out a bit above the bosom.   And, then take off the sleeves, add spaghetti straps.  if you are willing to pay for an alteration, why, it might look quite nice.  Or, perhaps just make nice curtains out of the dress, and let your daughter buy something newer.  Styles have changed.  And, you know, it is not the dress that is so important, but the fact that family are together.  You see, my mama died of huntington's chorea when I was ten, so my daddy raised me.  I wish my mama could come to the wedding.  She will be there in spirit, though, you know. And, contratulations mama on your daughter's happy occasion.

  9. Wow you're being completely unreasonable.

    It's her wedding day and she's entitled to the dress she wants. You clearly have more than one child so hold out for one of them to wear it, but I doubt they will.

    I am sure it was a beautiful dress for the four generations, but come on.

    Holding paying for the wedding over her over a DRESS makes you an evil woman.

    Personally I'd tell you to shove it and pay for the wedding myself.

    Realistically, there's NO WAY that dress still looks new. I bet it's pretty uncomfortable too.

    I don't mean to be rude, but I think it's time someone tells you the truth.

    If you're looking for people to agree with you....I highly doubt you'll find that here.

    It's time for new it that important to you to destroy your daughters dream to get your own way??


  10. Whoa -- that is hilarious!

  11. Your other jokes were better, you're slipping. Cute idea, but maybe a less wearable dress in the picture? (It honestly looks like it would look MUCH better on someone else.) Or a more modern picture of the same style of dress.

  12. Question for you. Is it more important to hold up a family tradition than to allow your daughter to have her moment? I seriously doubt that other family members will care about what dress she wears.The main focus of the day is supposed to be the bride and groom not the clothing or the money spent.

  13. Can she atleast alter the dress to make it look a little more up to date?? Cause I would not wear that this a real question.

  14. Maybe you could come to a compromise. Have the dress altered and maybe use peices of it in a new dress. She can have the dress she wants and make you happy. Technically, she is still wearing the dress.

  15. It is the ONE time she is going to get married and I think it should be ALL about her and what she wants, you are already married... I would not wear that dress, I understand it has been tradition in the past but its 2008 and i think in might be time to make some new traditions... Most girls dream about their wedding day from the time they are little girls, how they want it to be and what they want to wear and so on, and you're going to squash those dreams by making her wear that outdated dress.. I would bring the tradidtional dress and have her change into it and have the photographer snap some pics of her in it but I would not make her wear it the whole time.  

  16. Well to be honest I wouldn't wear it either but you can compromise she could wear it for the ceremony. For pictures wear one of her choosing.

  17. Will you let her alter the dress so it becomes more modern? If not, I see why she will not wear it. Sure it is beautiful, but compared to today's style, it looks old. Look at and other wedding dress places to see the comparison. It looks very beautiful for its time, but not proper for today. Plus, consider the fact that a woman's wedding dress is supposed to be very special for her. Why would you want to take away that happiness from her? Consider her happiness over your own wants please. It's her wedding and you should pay regardless because it is your responsibility.

  18. Truthfully, I'm sure it was a beautiful dress back in great great grandmas day. But I can understand her wanting to wear her own dress, maybe it is time to retire the dress and let your daughter start her own traditions., with a dress that is more to her liking? Why put that extra stress on your daughter and yourself.And I'm sure Her great great grandma would want her to happy. And if you really insist that she wears this dress or else , it just might be or else. Your daughter wants to look beautiful walking down the aile to meet her groom. And I don't see it happening in this dress, sorry to be blunt but you did ask for opinions and this is mine.  EDIT:  Thanks Martha , Aquanet just waisted our time. Next time I'll read profile  first when I think someone is joking. But I got 2 points out of it.

  19. This wedding isn't about you. It's about her and honestly, if she wants to look beautiful on her wedding day, you should let her.  

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