
It's pretty normal to be in your early 20's and live with your parents?

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  1. Yes, these days it seems to be the norm, I left home at 26.

    My parents wouldn't have had it any other way. They were very supportive.

  2. As long as you are being an adult.....such as doing your own laundry, cleaning up after yourself and working or going to school.  You are in your 20's which means you are an adult so as long as you treat your parents with the respect you would a roomate than fine.....don't make your mother cook and clean for you.  

  3. It was more normal 50 years ago when (and especially women) young adults hadn't married yet or were trying to get through college and save a buck. If you're responsible and everyone in the house is o.k. w/the ways things are going, I don't see anything wrong w/it. I personally wouldn't ever want to live w/my parents again after having been on my own and enjoying my privacy but everyone's different.

  4. As long as you are doing stuff to help around the house and helping your parents out it is perfectly ok and normal.  With the economy the way it is right now many adults are back home living with their parents or other family members to cut costs plus many people stay at home until they are out of college and/or get married and such.  

  5. I live with my parents until i was 21 then my partner and i split for three months when i was 25 and i moved home, i think as long as you pay your own way and lokk after yourself and help with chores (without being asked) them its fine:)

  6. I dont think its the 'social norm' but I certainly cant see whats wrong with it. Theyre your parents after all. If you cant live with your parents how in the World would you expect to live with anyone else?

    I think these days kids are too ready to fly the coop the moment they turn 16 and the parents are too willing to push them. I wonder if it was like that 20 or 30 years ago.

  7. My sister is 26 and lives at home with our mum and step dad. She has lived elsewhere ebfore (when she was in Uni and then when she moved to Ireland for 6 months) but it back at home for now. She pays rent and does her own cooking when Mum isn't donig a big meal but helps out with everything.

  8. When I was a teenager nearly everyone left home at 16 and got their own flats or shared with mates but with the extortionate rents now hardly any teenagers could afford it, my 19 year old son is at university and has a part time job and couldn't possibly afford to leave home.

    He does all his own stuff but if I am doing a meal and have spare or need to fill the washing machine I will do it for him.

    He has just decorated and bought new flooring, rugs and bed linen for his room so I doubt if he will going anywhere in the near future.

  9. I lived with my parents until  age of 26.  I did chores around the house plus I paid 50% of the shopping list + I got my parents every now and then gifts.

    They loved having me at home, I moved out when I got married and until now they are very supportive the babysit my baby when I am at work everyday.  

    I love my parents they are awesome

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