
It's probably terrible; but i had to laugh!

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds terrible. Okay.

But today i ran into a friend from high school; her name is Anna. She was always realy conservative, did very well in school; ect.

Well, i saw her in the supermarket and she introduced me to her kids.

4yr old Nevaeh-Jaydei, 22mnth old, Luillia-Skyli & 2mnth old Myleigh Graiyce.

I literally, almost peed myself.

She walked of, obviously, very angry.

Understandably, i know i shouldnt have done it.

But is she serious? [I knew the spellings the way she pronounced them]

What do you think of names like that?

I think they are just SO rediculous.

&If you are unsure how to pronounce:

Nevaeh-Jaydei [Nev-ay-ah Jay-deih]

Luillia-Skyli [Loo-ill-ee-ah Sky-lee]

Myleigh Graiyce. [My-lee Grey-aice]

hahaha - i feel terrible now. But i told my husband and he almost weed himself too!




  1. You need to travel more. People have all kinds of names in the world. Aren't we all just a little bored with the same old names?

  2. Are YOU serious?

    Maybe you should have wet yourself. Then you might have felt a portion of the embarrassment of having a grown woman laugh at your name in your presence. I doubt you were ever a FRIEND more like a FIEND. This entire story is suspect to me. How would you automatically know the spelling just based on how she pronounced them and why would a little girl have a name tag on in the grocery store.

    Either way, you are correct,  this story is terrible. I hope you feel really good about yourself for posting it.


  4. I might not have laughed, but I probably would've stood there open-mouthed, disbelieving that a parent would do that to a child. I really do believe that names like that are bordering on child abuse. I don't blame you for laughing at all!

  5. Everyone to their own



  6. I don't care for any of these names, and the alternative spelling makes them worse! I also don't care for hyphenated names, they are too long and drawn out!

    I probably wouldn't have found it funny or said anything rude, but secretly I would be thinking....

    what the?

  7. wow that is one crazy lady. seriously those are hard spellings

    and why are there so many people naming their daughters Nevaeh. i dont get it just because it spells heaven backwards

  8. I probably would have holded in. but those are awful names. She had a name tag on her shirt? That is awful.

  9. Whilst I agree that I dislike them names, don't you find it a bit rude, and immature that you would laugh in her face?

    Who are you to laugh at her children's names. She obviously likes them, so no offense, but its none of your business. You could have politely walked away, and laughed about it when she wasn't in sight!!

  10. Argh, those poor kids! What was she thinking?! I honestly don't blame you at all for laughing, I wouldn't have laughed, I would have looked disgusted!

  11. lol those are some odd names. I just hope no one makes fun of them and makes the kids upset. But still....never heard of those before.  :P


  12. I think you were very rude to laugh.

  13. when choosing a name for my son i pictured myself as a child at his school who wanted to tease him and tried to come up with names, i can only think of one and at the age of 8 he still has no nasty nicknames. This woman obviously did not think this way, jus like the Kiwi lady who called her daughter "Talula does the Hula" bet you laughing now! but this poor girl is now in her teens and taking her mother to court over it!!!

  14. haha yeah you probably should have composed yourself a little better

    but yeah I guess there are occasions where you just have to let it out

    just hope you never see her agian.... or her kids  XD

  15. That is funny!

    What horrible names!

    What is the world coming to??

  16. Yeah i agree they are terrible names but you shouldn't have laughed... perhaps an apology to your friend... however i recently read an article in the newspaper about the cruelest names in new zealand and some people had tried to or succeeded in calling their children names like

    Number 16 Bus Shelter,  Tulula Does The Hula From Hawaii and a pair of twins called Benson and the other Hedges!!! How cruel is that!!

  17. how unfair to the children. my face would express my disgust. but i hope the kids dont get too much grief. they will spend their entire life explaining to people how to spell them! poor kids!!!!

  18. bless their hearts!

  19. yeah it was rude to laugh.

    but those names are so stupid that it probably caught you off guard.

    my reaction would not of been to laugh, but my facial reaction would of shown my disgust.  its really hard to stop first reactions.

  20. Sorry, but I think you were rude to laugh at her. She may not have named her kids that well (and you don't even know the proper spellings you're just guessing because of how they're pronounced) but laughing was uncalled for. Its one thing for someone to come on here (or even in real life) and ask what people think about their name choices but she didn't ask you your opinion, she simply just introduced her children.  

  21. I would have found it difficult not to laugh! I work at a supermarket and I laugh to myself as parents yell at their children as they all have such q***r names! You probably should have tried to hold back, but no one will hold it against you!

  22. OMG! those poor children! Well I like Nevaeh only cuz its heaven spelled backwards but the others OMG...

  23. Oh those poor children.

    Was it right to laugh?  No.  Was it understandable?  Completely.

  24. They're just as bad as Olivia.

  25. She obviously wasn't a friend from high school if you laughed at her kids names.  When you laugh at the names, you are actually making fun of the children.  Grow up and learn to be considerate.  They are not your children.

  26. i would have tried my best to hold it in..... but it would have been hard! hahahaha.... i guess Myleigh is okay but its spelled wierd.

  27. Yes it's bad to laugh, but i would have done exactly the same thing. i'm well known for having verbal diarrhea lol

  28. I probably would have had an aneurysm trying to keep myself from laughing, so I can't fault you for that.  Goodness, what gawd-awful names!!

  29. Yeh it was rude to laugh and i think you should grow up and apologise to that poor women and her children i can't imagin having someone who i called a friend laugh in my face when it comes to the names of my children.I have a unique name and it hurts to have somebody laugh at you it makes you feel stupid and very upset. And some of those names aren't too bad you just think there stupid because you have never heard of them before i think Nevaeh and Myleigh are two nice names.

  30. wierd names.

    those poor kids.

  31. I wouldn't have laughed, but this latest craze of spelling names with the weirdest letter combinations simply makes the parents look uneducated and ridiculous.  Some names look like a contest of "how many vowels can I fit into this word".

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