
It's "loving day" in the united states how will you celebrate?

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41 years ago today, the united states supreme court struck down all laws that made inter-racial marriage illegal.

how does this compare with the push for same s*x marriage?




  1. im gonna celebrate by having s*x with lots and lots of women outside my race.

  2. All marriages are illegal.  

    Marriage is a gender construct and gender is a social construct and society is patriarchic construct and patriarchy is a family construct and family is a marriage construct and marriage is ....

  3. I had no idea today was a holiday, but in the spirit of it I'll let myself out of work early and spend more time at home with the family.

    This compares with same s*x marriage in that many of the arguements people tried to use to justify not allowing marriage between inter-racial couples and same s*x couple are almost identical! From "It's not natural," to "It's against God," as well as arguments about "How would it effect their children, & what would it teach other children about what is acceptable in society?"

    Same brand of Hogwash, weilded by many of the same groups of people...

  4. You guys don't have same s*x marriage over there? In Britain we do, been there done that!

  5. "Loving day"?  Interesting.  Never heard of such holiday until now.   Thanks for the info meat..

    As for "same s*x" marriage; if they want to, let them.  I really don't care TBQH.

  6. It's actually ironic you asked me to answer this meat because my husband and I were discussing it the other day.

    It's bittersweet that these laws were struck down but they were ONLY 41 years ago and still today people in interracial relationships suffer at the hands of others.

    Love is love and it knows no boundaries.  Just as I am a white woman who can love a black man, two men or two women should be allowed to express that love however they see fit. Interracial relationships didn't destroy the sanctity of marriage as some once said so who is to say homosexual relationships will destroy marriage? Pure, unadulterated love is a beautiful thing no matter what race, sexual preference, religion, or age you are. Everyone should be allowed to experience the beauty of love and committing your life to another.

    "We get married because we need a witness to our lives.There's 6 billion people on the planet;what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things, all of it, all the time of everyday. You're saying, your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness."

    As a country we are at another crossroads in human rights.

    I can only hope it won't take another 41 years for homosexuals to receive this right and privilege.

  7. People just don't accept what's different. Back in the day they used the Bible to condemn interracial relationships. When same-s*x relationships weren't out in the open or even spoken of, there was no reason for Bible thumpers to condemn or even know what homosexuality was aside from stories of the Greeks and Romans.

    When it was finally proven that we are all one race and human people started to break free and see the love regardless of the couple's race. Still there's people who don't accept it or agree with it for various reasons, but you won't find people these days getting killed or stoned for it other than one in a million tragic situations.

    The same-s*x marriage, well people don't even accept g*y people to begin with. Unlike races, being g*y is really a minority considering stastically only about 2-5% of the population is really g*y. Top that with political agendas both by left activists who use it for their own gain and conservatives who seek to keep anyone who isn't rich and Christian in their place and you basically have a no-win situation. People still go out of their way to g*y-bash, to beat someone up just for being percieved as g*y. And the religious right wants this sort of hate-thing to continue all because of a few interpreted passages in a widely believed book.

    I believe one day g*y marriage will be accepted,  but not without people throwing stones. Its sort of like what black-Americans been through in the day. Racism still isn't dead. Neither is homophobia. Believe me if people still bicker over skin color, racial ancestry and religion you can bet GLBT have a long way before they are accepted as human beings = (

  8. I don't know, mm.

    I do know , about a year ago now,there was someone from Ghana - she was always so playful and nice to be around, I just fell for her. Her name was Nancy.  And I never once paused to consider or even much realize her race was 'different' or if that should mean anything. She was just..Nancy. And whatever Nancy was was good with me!

    Her accent, and her childhood in another far off land was exotic and interesting .

    But hey I'm from England. I fake a good American accent, but I can speak thick British too. So I mean what are all people from, Wisconsin to only ever date other people from Wisconsin?

    Now same s*x marriage is harder for people to accept. If I were to walk around with her, noone would care. But if I were to walk arond with a man, holding his hand, and kissing him, that'd freak people right out!

    There's been more TIME for the shock of  interracial relationships to become old.

    Maybe in another decade or so, same s*x couples will be able to feel a little freer.


    It's awful right wing around here lately! (In the US)

    It's really having a dreadful effect on what I hear young people  parrotheadedly spewing so hatefully.

    It was a far more liberal world before, and now...I almost hear the goosestepping in the distance. I fear

    You know I had a Q about the book Animal Farm starred...and I went back to it and IT HAD BEEN DELETED.

    Animal Farm.


    When you make literature disappear, is it different than bookburning , if it's a cyber book that got evaporated, instead of a paper one that went up by match?

    Isnt it the same, to censor books that'd shed light on your evil-doings, so you get rid of them?

    So, the push for same s*x marriage seemed easy even just 10 years ago. NOW it seems they could get driven right back into hiding maybe. Or laws won could get overturned again.

  9. Giving GWS a big hug.

  10. I thought the anniversary was about a month ago, anyway long live interracial love!

  11. Only 41 years ago? Wow, that's really incredible and somewhat depressing.

    Love is a beautiful thing. I really don't see much of a difference between the push for interracial marriage and the push for same-s*x marriage, because I see marriage as an INDIVIDUAL right: you should have the right to marry anyone else with the legal right to marry.

  12. Probably just like any other day, eat some food, take a shower and go to bed.

    Same-s*x marriage and interracial marriage are not comparable. g*y people are not restricted from getting married, they have the same rights as the rest of us, equal rights.

    So what they are asking for is a special privilege, they want the privilege to be able to marry people of the same s*x.

    So the only question that matters here is: who does it hurt if g*y people marry others of the same s*x? If the answer is no one, then there is no problem with g*y marriage.

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