
It's raining here. Is it raining there?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just outside of Asheville, North Carolina. It's been thundering all afternoon! I'm SO GLAD it's raining! We've been in a drought.

My tomatoes NEED it!




  1. It is just beginning to rain associated with some thunderstorms in our local area...  as we type...

  2. Nope it bea-u-t-i-ful here in North Haven CT!!!!! But EXTREMELY hott.

  3. No, It's actually warm and sunny here in BC, Canada

  4. I'm in southeast PA and it's reeeally dark so any minute now it will :)

  5. just started down-pouring. im in maine.. where are you?

  6. nope. the sun is shining =)

  7. Well, the Weather Channel says that it is Thunderstorming here but when I look outside it is nice and sunny and 90 degrees. :)  I live in Augusta, Georgia. :)

  8. actually it just stopped a few mins ago

  9. nope it's nice here in western pa

  10. No.

  11. not in Iowa, but we have been having crazy flooding and thunderstorms for the past week. it will probably start rainging soon again!

  12. Bright and sunny in Orange County, California!

  13. No

  14. it's super hot in maine with 100% humidity.


  15. No rain for me....although it has rained a lot the past 4 days. We had huuuge storms on Sunday. We had to go to the basement, but I was standing outside! xD

  16. Not yet, it is supposed to here in Ohio.

    It rained earlier and thunder stormed all last night.

  17. not yet, its supposed to though.

  18. no its pretty hot out here in western cali

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