
It's time 2 go back 2 school but i want to dress nice?How can i tell my dad i am 12 i want 2 shop at the mall?

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I am 12 but i want 2 dress nice for back 2 school i realized that i am getting to old wearing target clothes. Plus the sneakers he pick it out my dad picks out my clothes even bras. I want to have the guts to have and say i want to pick out my own lothes but i am afraid he might take it the wrong way Was it not meant to be and continue to let him pick out the clothes? It's kind of embarrassing though having a man pick out my clothes he don't even know about the latest fashion.




  1. just tell him that you think you are old enough to pick out your own clothes in the mall. just don't take him into abercrombie & Fitch lol. he might have a heart attack because of the pictures that are nailed onto the walls lol. ya they have really kid-friendly (but still cute clothes) stores in the mall. like limited too. it may be expensive but the clothes are really well made and it's worth it. good luck! = D

  2. you should tell him i want to shop for myself im not a little girl anymore.

  3. just act casual and be like hey dad can we go to the mall, even if hes with you, at least you can pick them out yourself

  4. Be mature about it. Parents love maturity. Ask if you can shop at the mall. He can give you a limit on money and approve if it's modest enough. Tell him you're a growing woman and you want to take on more responsibilities. Plus it embarrasses you for him to pick out your bras and undies. Butter him up by helping around the house or making him dinner or something (hamburger helper is always super easy.) When you're planning out what you want to say, keep maturity and responsibility in mind. Tell him what he wants to hear.

    By the way, Target has some really cute clothes, atleast in the women's and junior's department. =)

  5. tell your dad you are 12 now and you would really like to go to the mall and pick out some new outfits for the new school year. ask him to go with you (if he's a strict father) so he can tell you what he thinks about the outfits (if you keep him involved he won't feel left out. also tell him you want to pick out your own undergarmets from now on becuase it makes you uncomfortable.

    just be honoest and upfront in a nice way. hopefully he will understand.

  6. Just say dad Im 12 now and I feel that I should be shopping in the malls instead of target. I feel that I should some desions to make myself like what kind of bras and shoes and clothes I should. Sorry this my hurt considering im ur baby girl but I feel like im mature to shop with u to the mall but pick out my own stuff. Thats something I would say

  7. Tell him that you want to go to the mall and pick out this really cute shirt that you saw the other day and then when he comes with you say that you want to get the clothing and meet up with him at the cash register or ask him for $40 to buy that outfit. My dad shops for me and apparently, he's got better taste then my mom!

  8. I'm also 12 so i know how you feel, just go up to your dad and be like,

    Hey dad can we go to the mall, he'll say sure, and ya'll will go,

    If he asks why, just be like, well I kinda want to pick out my clothes too,I am 12 ya know, and laugh it off. If ya'll don't agree on the same

    things, just say like but these are soooo in right now!! Also if

    you can try to pick up sales, he'll be more willing to get it.

    Hope i helped!!

  9. say to him taht you are oyt of cloths  

  10. If i were You i would either tell my mom or i would say

    "hey dad you know how it's time to go bak to school well i was thinking we could go shopping at the mall because i saw this shirt i really really wanted so please can you take me " say thank you if he does take you

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