
It's too late to choose another school, right?

by Guest58077  |  earlier

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I basically already know the answer to this question, BUT... My friend only decided to go to a specific UC because they gave her a good scholarship. She sent in her SIR, went to orientation, enrolled in her classes, and just a few DAYS ago, the school dropped her a bomb. They said she wouldn't be able to use her (thousands of dollars worth) outside scholarships. The only reason she decided to go there was because she was led to believe with all her scholarships she wouldn't have to pay a dime. Had she known she had to pay something, she would've gone to her first choice. She just has to suck this up, it's way too late for her to decide to go somewhere else, right?




  1. Pretty much =( Unless she feels like waiting a semster or something and trying again.

  2. I would not accept this... it is never too late to change your mind.

    - Was she accepted to any other schools? Will they take the Scholarships?

    - I would write letters both to the President & admissions people of the school that wouldn't take my scholarships and the other school I wished to attend. These letters would not be the same; for one school she should explain that she was led to believe (lied to) that the scholarships could be used. For the other school she should explain that she has changed her mind and she really "wants to attend this school now."

    There is no guarantee this will work. However, you never know until you try; I certainly wouldn't give up!

    In the letters you may also threaten sitting out a semester, saving money, and going to another school. She sounds pretty smart so the school would take this threat serously.

    Good Luck!  

  3. There's somethng not right about her story--no school doesn't take outside scholarships. If you mean they won't give her the grants they offered because of the scholarship, that's what almost all schools do so she'll have the same problem anywhere.

  4. Generally, yes, it is probably too late to switch colleges-- BUT it is definitely worth the shot. I have a friend who had a similar experience- went to Freshman Orientation and realized that school wasn't for her. She contacted another school she was very interested in, put together her application and audition (musical theatre major), and was accepted and enrolled 2 weeks before class started.

    So I would tell your friend to pursue other options instead of giving up. If she was already accepted to her first choice, it is more likely that they might let her in even though she initially declined, especially given the situation. She should contact them immediately to see what her options are- maybe it's too late for the fall but she could go in the spring...

    It's really strange that the UC wouldn't accept outside scholarships, and I would encourage her to look into that more and possibly fight it if she can (and double check those "policies" with other UCs since it should be the same across the board). If there is no budging, and she really doesn't want to go there since she has to pay, then I say she shouldn't. It'll save her the money and the hassle of transferring and she could just work during the fall semester and start somewhere else in the spring. College is way too expensive to just be going out of obligation.

    Good luck to her!

  5. She should call admissions at her first choice school. She should tell them she was admitted, and ask if she can still attend. She loses nothing by asking the question, and has everything to possibly gain. She should make this phone call immediately.

    She should also make an appointment with someone in financial aid at her existing college, and have an in-person discussion of her options re: these scholarships with them. Why can't she use them there? What is wrong with them now, that wasn't wrong before? Is there nothing that can be done to resolve this? If her parents are local, she might want to ask them to come to the meeting.  

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