
It SUCKS being 15 on break!?

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Hey im a 15 year old girl in high school and im on summer break and its soooooooo boring!!!! I do NOTHING all day. I either just go on the computer, watch Tv, listen to the same ol music, or eat. I hate being 15! I dont have a car, i cant get a job cuz i have to be 16, and i dont even know if my friends want to hang out, they're so "whatever" about everything! Its so not fun :( i always see adults getting to go to fun places, hang out, and just have the best time. My family doesnt have that much money so we dont go out much :( I dont know anymore




  1. you think your life is boring now. wait until you get older and constantly work to provide a living. enjoy your teenage years

  2. oh please go on a long walk. take the city bus somewhere

    i'm 18 and i don't like to drive but i take the city bus to the mall or somewhere.

    i like surffing the web.

    and i do work but its hard work and long.

    so just have fun. go outside and play soccer, tag, make up a game.

  3. wow u sound like meh, my summer has been so boring too. im ready for skool jus so i can see my friends

  4. same here

    dont feel bad =]

    answer mine?;...

  5. Well... Im 16, and i cant have my drivers licence yet... But i have a scooter so i can go to places with my friends and stuff. So try getting a scooter ;)... And if you don't have anything to do during your summer, instead of watching t.v and go on the computer, do Sports !! go jogging, or play soccer... get your friends and go shopping! Dont ruin your summer!! Summer is the best part of the year! :D (So is Christmas Break ;) )

  6. Wait until you grow up and really have to deal with stuff. I would much rather be bored. The fun stuff will come. Just enjoy your life.

  7. I feel the exact same way.

    16 is gonna be awesome.

  8. i'm the same here

  9. uhh this is under pregnancy and parenting lol

  10. I know what you mean, I am only 14 but it does stink. I don't even live in a big city where I can atleast walk somewhere. About the money, my mom is the same way! Even when I try to convience her to drive to me to the beach (which only happens twice a summer) she says she is too tired from work, and has to get other things done. Good Luck : )

  11. call me and we can hang out bc im bored too:]]

  12. you'll have your license soon enough. i'm in your shoes, too, but i'm counting down the days until i get my learner's permit to drive.

  13. Boo-fricking-hoo.

    At least you have a house, parents, and food.

    And friends, for god's sake.

  14. don't worry i know how you feel

    i'm 15 too.


    seriously you don't want to try and grow up too fast.

    i just recently got a job a few months ago.

    I HATE IT.

    i thought making money and filling in a bit of time would be good for me.

    but trust me it just makes me feel so upset when i see the other kids my age walking around out side of where i work after school.

    and where am i? stuck behind a counter trying to calm a customer who's upset about his coffee not being 'hot' enough.

  15. You can get a job at a fast food place at 14 or 15 in the US.

  16. ya were in the same d**n situation lol. dumb bored around here makin school look excitin lol

  17. Hun i wish i could trade ages with u  how would u like to be a 44 year old mother of 3 and pay bills run one kid here and the other kid there, but i get what ur saying i was 15 once i said the same things but know that im all grown up i would love to just be a kid again gl and hang in there hun.

  18. Don't worry, when you become an adult you've got all this stuff to look forward to:

    Working for a living so you can pay for:

    - electricity bills

    - gas bills

    - mortgage

    - car loans

    - personal loans

    - credit card bills

    - car insurance

    - health insurance

    - home and contents insurance

    - life insurance

    - university fees

    - superannuation

    - personal income tax

    - medical bills

    - food bills

    - petrol

    - car servicing

    - etc.

    and you get to sit and relax, play computer and watch TV! Sucks to be you!

    Seriously though, find friends that have similar interests in you, join a club or something revolving around your favourite hobby (if you don't have one, find one).

  19. but remember good things come to those who wait

  20. omg i feel the same way! i'm fifteen as well but i go to cape cod in the summer so i dont have that much of a problem, but i feel your pain during the school year and on school breaks throughout the year.when i am bored i usually go out with my friends or something. if you live near a city take a train and explore. if not go around townto dinner  or find something fun to do. movies, bowling, i played lazer tag once, walking around. just get creative plan a fun night; assign each person something to bring (i.e. baked goods, candy, soda) decide on a movie to watch together (or movies) and play games like tag, dress up (even fun when your old), or just talking. a reallly fun game i learned is telephone pictionary, you each get a piece of paper and write a simple phrase on it. it can be sensible or totally crazy. then you hand it to the next person and they draw something that depicts what the person wrote. they then fold over the phrase revealing just the picture, the pass it to the next person who writes a new phrase depicting the picture, then folds over the old picture. they continue to do this until you get your original piece of paper and then you look at how much your phrase has evolved. its so fun! also you could plan a campout, set up a tent, roasts marshmellows and hot dogs and tell scary stories. or just play outside and organize fun games like kickball, or spud, or man hunt with a bunch of people. sorry this is so long but just getting creative and hanging out can improve any boring situation!

  21. I dont know what adults are going to fun places and hanging out..  most of them have to struggle and work all week and pay bills..  "going out" is a rare thing for an adult.

    Cars are not a free ticket to places.. they are a responsability and an expence.

    Enjoy lazing about the house.  When you're an adult.. thats a luxury.  Ah, how I wish I was 15 again and had nothing better to do than pout about being "bored!"

  22. First of all you are 15 and you have a long time before you grow up just be glad that your parents care for you and love you  I know a lot of kids that just get sent out of the house because the parents don't want to deal with them

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