
It annoys me in the supermarket when...

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...there is a couple at the tills and the one paying leaves the other to pack the bags

...the customer grabs the item out of your hand before it's even been scanned take a little longer to put an item through when the customer is waiting with the bag, and they sigh and put the bag down again

...the customer is talking quite nicely to another customer but as soon as you talk to them they treat you like a tramp/servant/politician and seem to think you're not a person because you work on the tills

I'm Miss T, and I'm a checkout girl!




  1. It annoys me in the supermarket when...

    The checkout operator;

    Doesn't even acknowledge you until it's time to tell you the total.

    Licks his or her fingertips and reaches for the plastic bags (I take my own bag).

    Has a conversation with the person on the next checkout while completely ignoring his/her customer.

    It cuts both ways, let's all be nice to each other as I'm sure Miss T is.

  2. ...One packs one pays is easier than looking for the money with 5 items still to pack

    ...They are in a hurry

    ...They are tired

    ...They are surprised, they had forgotten they are in a public place

  3. I agree too.

  4. Miss T, some people are just self important *****. Wouldnt it be lovely to be able to refuse to serve such *****, then they would have to have respect for other people, and get off there dillusional high horses, or go hungry!! lol

  5. i agree!

  6. ooh i know how u feel i used to work at a supermarket i can't stand when people's kids have a temper tantrum

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