
It appears I am no longer Christian?

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.... an answer moments ago stated that a Christian must accept the bible 100% as the word of God

This is the very first time I have seen this stated as a requirement of Christianity, in my 37 years of living.

So ... I am required to 100% believe a book that was written by humans, over hundreds of years, by people of varying faiths, in different languages , much of which is second or third hand...and brought together under the sanction of an Emperor by a group of Men in the the mid 300's.

My question is to other Christians .... are you also now considered a "False Christian"

.... I guess there was a reason to be on Yahoo




  1. That answer is wrong. There are many opinions you can have. Eg Some Christians take the bible literally, word-for-word, and others beleive it is symbolic and has hidden meaning. I am the latter.

    Don't let others dictate what religion you are, you are what you are because Jesus loves you.

    But yes, in that case I am a "false Christian".

    It's rubbish what the answerer wrote.

  2. Yeah, I saw that too.  Please don't take all the answers seriously.  Come to your own conclusion.  The bible is not 100% perfect, there are some flaws, but that doesn't make it bad.  There are some great scriptures in there.

  3. don't worry about it

    many 'christians' arbitrarily decide who's true as those they approve of so it can get pretty sad when no-one ever agrees

    it's the "no true scotsman" fallacy at work

  4. A Christian is someone who has received the Holy Spirit because “Christ” or “Messiah” means “anointed one” and the anointing is the Holy Spirit. Romans 8v9 states:-

    “ . . . you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”

    Just becauase a person believes the bible is all God-inspired does not mean they understand much of it or that they ahve received the Holy Spirit.  God's sign, which the apostles laited for is speaking in tongues (a miraculous unlearned prayer language.

    Acts 2:4, 33, 39; 8:12-18; John 3:7-8.

  5. That is one of the silliest things I have heard in awhile. It has always been my understanding that if you except Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you are a Christian. The bible tells us great stories, and is a guide as to how we should live our lives, but like you said, it has been changed over the years and was written by man, not God himself!

  6. great

  7. If it was another well known religious book you wouldnt dare doubt the word!!!!! They are taking over the country

  8. Yes, I get that.  I am a member of the Jesus Army,.  We are a non prejudice church and accept g**s, transexuals, transgender, people with prison records, the poor, the homeless, addicts of all descriptions, everyone at the edge of society.  We do not really have much in the way of liturgies and rituals.  We are a community church where people have a common purse.  We have businesses where everyone earns the same wage, just above minimum.  We wear blue uniform camouflage jackets.  We believe that church is all about community, brotherhood, fellowship.  We spend most of our time with each other.  We have a full calendar of church activities.

    The Bible is accurate, but not 100%.  It is the inspired word of God, but mistakes do occur in transcription and translation.   However, whichever translation you use, in whatever language, the message is the same.

    All have failed to meet God's standard except Christ.

    Christ died so that our unrighteousness can be covered by his righteousness.  He has been punished for everything everyone has or will ever do wrong.  However, accepting this is a choice.

    If you accept that Jesus was punished for your sins, then you must be baptised in water and Holy Spirit.

    You must then live a life according to God's will.  That is:-

    Love all (including your enemies, excluding no-one).  

    Forgive all.  Never stop forgiving.

    Show mercy.  Especially to the outcast, the poor, the foreigner

    Judge no-one.  None of us is worthy of Christ's gift, so we are no better than anyone else on the planet.  So we cannot judge other people.  That is God's job, not ours.

  9. I get that all the time - that I'm not a true Christian.

    It's sad how narrow minded some people can be.  

  10. The contents of NT are about 90% acceptable. The contents of OT are only 20% acceptable, 50% illogical and irrelevant and 30% savage, brutal and barbaric. But I still consider my self a Christian.

  11. All the time by the same person and type of people who gave that answer on the question you are referring too. No matter what they say I and you are Christians!.

  12. Join the crowd! :)

    I'm a "false" Christian because my infant baptism doesn't count and I've never been "born again".

    Wait till I tell my pastor on Sunday!!  Nothing like hanging out with a congregation full of false Christians!! LOL

  13. To be a christian, you must be born again and that happens by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior.

    Jesus is the Word...Read John 1:1-18.

    I don't know how a christian would not believe the word of God....but that is your choice.

    A false christian is one that claims to be christian, but does not accept Jesus' gift of salvation.


    I don't really care what Anybody Else Thinks of me!!!

    I Called out on GOD Almighty (in Dire Straits) and HE ANSWERED!!!

    Jesus Christ, GOD Became Man (born of a Virgin)

    Died on the Cross and Risen from the Dead---

    Is LORD!!!

    Wasn't till about a Year Later, that GOD (Jesus) showed me that I should start Reading the Bible!!!


    So There!!!

    and Ditt00000000000!!!

    Thanky Jesus!

  15. Don't listen to folk that tell you that.  I am sorry but as far I am concerned everyone has doubts anyone that says anything different is lying and then they are being false, so don't worry about it if you still believe in Jesus and God and love them with all your heart then you are a Christain.

  16. You're also a false Christian if you don't believe in the divinity of Mary. Or, indeed, if you DO believe in the divinity of Mary. You're a false Christian if you don't take communion - and also a false Christian if you do; and if you believe the communion to literally be the body of Christ, and also if you believe it to figuratively be so.

    There's quite a lot of difference of opinion within Christianity. They certainly can't all be right, so just pick the "truth" that you believe to be so.

  17. Apparently I was no longer Christian YEARS ago because I actually see other people as valid and just believe Jesus was a divine messenger but isn't God. And actually because I do engage in other practices (astrology, divination), but apparently I'M wrong just because the "Christian" leaders disagree and now that the born-again movement, anti-g*y agenda and all that is now apparently what Christian means.

    I just thought it meant being like Christ. Loving, tolerant, and believing in God. Didn't know I had to see it a certain way exactly as the mainstream does.

    ....Just remember they did it years ago to the Gnostics, now their pointing the fingers at Catholics and even non-Christian religions that are peaceful (Buddhism, Shinto, Wicca), h**l there even talking about Jews and how Jews are mislead (wait, wasn't Jesus a Jew AND a Rabbi?). Born-again Christians are a cult, trust me they really are. They are twisted though sincerely believe in something while someone higher up is laughing while his greedy little coffers are being filled.....

  18. That is a fundie argument and they are a complete contradiction in terms!!

    CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

    FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

    Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!!!

    But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

    IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

    So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!!!!

    But then the Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god!!!   He also organized Christianity into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!!  Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed origin but entirely Italian!!

    What a wonder full disinformation and deception campaign he waged against his Christian enemies - so good in fact that Christians are still following the deception to this day!!!

  19. If you believe Jesus lived and that he was the son of God and that he died for your sins, then you're a Christian. That's it, simple as. The Bible is symbolic, nothing more.

  20. You are a Christian if you believe in Jesus. The start and end of the Bible generate more heat than light in religious discussion. The Gospels and Acts are the real core, of first rank importance. For the greater part of the Church's history the vast majority of members have been illiterate. They did not have access to the full written bible, and even if they had they could not have read it for themselves. The inerrancy issue is a modern North American diversion for brainless fundamentalists only. Read James 2:19. There is more to real christianity than belief in propositions.It is interesting to remember that Old Testament Bible Believing fundamentalists crucified Christ!

  21. I have to ask how you can claim to be a christian if you do not believe in the bible?  Surely, if the bible did not exist, then we would not know about Jesus and His Father?  So, it is thanks to that "imperfect" book that gives us the right to call ourselves: Christians!!

    What a shame you have this opinion!  Yes, the bible was written by several different people - but not varying faiths!  They all believed in one Creator and promoted that belief.

    Have you actually studied the bible?  I do not mean to be rude, as I once did not know much about the bible, but after being shown how to read it, find it to be a perfect book and the only one in existence that tells us the reason why we are here and what is going to happen in the future.

    I really hope that you change your mind on this.

  22. You should read the Qur'an. It has no mistake, contradiction, error etc.

  23. Are you seriously saying that in 37 years you didn't have any idea about this?

    How did you think a Christian found out, and hence lived according to, what God wanted, if not through the Bible?

    Somebody who believes that we can't trust the Bible can just make up whatever beliefs they want and practise whatever they want - what would be the odds that the things that person happened to come up with would also just happen to be exactly the things God wants us to do?

  24. I consider myself a christian because I love God and being born in England the main teacher was/is Jesus.

    I called out to God on my 37th birthday to help me and it released me instantly from my lost ness.

    I then developed a personal relationship with Jesus my Friend.  When I asked if there was anyone like him in a body now?  Jesus showed me my teacher living in India  who is a Hindu.

    Jesus said follow me;   be like him;   do the things he did and more.  All we have to do is surrender to God and love and forgive everyone including our selves:))

    Jesus did not write the bible and if Constantine had not collected the works from various sources which suited Constantines purposes;   We all could make up our minds as to the reality of Jesus and His life.  Now we only have the bible version; I think there is so much more hidden and repressed.

    Jesus was hijacked by Constantine:))))

    Jesus's message is Love and Forgiveness;  Judge not etc

    Constantine it seems to uneducated me  was about control and power over for material gain.

    Jesus taught about a spiritual everlasting kingdom that is unchangeable.

    All of us are going to return to full consciousness of that our true state.  We are all one.

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