
It bothers me when people copy me.?

by  |  earlier

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Like, i guess it should be flattering, but i HATE it! I mean thanks. im glad you think im really great and all, but please go be great and all some other way! people always copy my clothes/

what do you think?




  1. i think its annoying too

  2. yeah that is annoying. But shop places where they might not be able to find the same stuff. But I agree that is how trends get started. Come up with new ideas on what to wear n such. They can't copy EVERYTHING you do. BE YOU!!! :)



  3. means you have good style. that's how trends get started.

  4. Welcome to the real world, someone acting like you should be flattering.

  5. They may not be copying you they have just have the same style as you. Maybe!

    I have a friend who is always worried that other people are copying here, because she copies people and is trying to hide it.  

  6. Imitation is the best form of flattery.

  7. I dont know if you noticed this when you were shopping but the clothes you buy are made is mass quantity. That means that they make 1,000 pairs of "your style pants" everyday. so dont flip out when someone is "copying you" they dont want to be like you, they are just shopping at the same stores you do, and buying the same brands ALL 12 YEAR OLD KIDS BUY(not just you) you'll be glad to know that nobody thinks your special, they just shop at the same stores you do and are probably watching the same TV shows you, and eating the same types of food you do..not because they want to be like you...but HELLLO!!!, because they are the same age/ are in the same area/ and are probably just as dumb, so you all end up looking alike.  

  8. OOH! I agree, I hate it when someone copies me.  I try to have different/unusual things and I will throw out or give the item away if someone I know buys it.

    My mom thinks I'm a weirdo, but I just don't like people to have the same stuff.

  9. i dont understand how people think their orignal its nice you think so higly of yourself but what you wear has probaly been done before enless you make the clothes yourself

    chill ou dude no one declared you fashion royalty just yet!

  10. I'm the same that way . It is so irritating when someone copies my style, whether it be my hair color/style , my make-up , clothes. Even names for instance , I have had two names picked out for years for a boy and girl when I have another baby , and one of my "friends" wants to use both until she finds out what she's having then will copy the one name.

    People should come up with there own style and do what works for them instead of deliberately copying others.  I don't mind if strangers copy me because I'll never see them again, but with people I see everyday , thats annoying as h**l.

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