
It burns when i pee? is this a uti?

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i think i have a urinary tract infection...

i just started to become sexually active. could i have gotten this from s*x? i never used to get sick down there before =/ and i don't want my mom to be suspicious. and it hurts/burns,even right now,when i'm not peeing;just sitting. it's really bugging me. anything i can do?

i want to go to the doctor but don't want my mom to suspect something;help?




  1. its either that or an STD. you need to be seen by a doctor!

  2. I was 16 when I became active and I was terrified of my mother finding out. that was at first. But little to my surprise she was very understanding and loving. Only you know how your mother is, try talking to her because you really do need her help. Try telling her that you have a problem and would like to know if its ok if you talk to her. Tell her you need her right now and you dont want her to be upset or judge you.  I wish more parents were like my mom was with me, it helped because I was young and I made many mistakes.  

    If you cant go to your mom, find someone that you can trust that can help you, dont go through this alone. Is there an aunt or older friend that you might be able to trust?  God bless you baby

  3. It could be from a bladder infection. You can damage that yourself buy holding in your pee when you've got to go. Just go to the doctor. They can get worse.

    However, either way you should be getting tested anyways because you are sexually active. It would be very unwise not to do so, regardless.

  4. Yup, sounds like a UTI. When I got my first one, it coincided with me becoming sexually active as well, I went on the net. The best things I heard for it, besides going to a doctor, was cranberry juice. Pure cranberry juice though, not the juice cocktail. Should be in any super market. Also in the future, try making sure that you pee after s*x. Not like right away but within I'd say 10 or 15 minutes. Also, what my sister does, take Cranberry pills. They are something you can buy without a prescription. None of what I said requires a doctor, but if none of that helps definitely see one because UTI's can get more serious and lead to kidney infections. Try Ibuprofen for the pain in the meantime. Good Luck!!! Oh and UTI don't necessarily mean anything about s*x, they are just caused by bacteria getting up there, like if you wipe after going to the bathroom back to front. The cranberry naturally removes the bacteria from the bladder wall. Just drink a bunch. Good Luck!!! :):)

  5. this is very normal. it could have possibly been from your boyfriend not properly washing his hands or other areas before you fooled around. urinary tract infections can be caused by a number of other things too tho such as not whipping correctly, drinking too much soda, poor diet etc.

    you shouldn't be embarrassed to tell your mom its a very normal thing in females. defiantly see a doctor and get some antibiotics and drink LOTS of cranberry juice.

    hope that helps :)

  6. uhmm..I would be worried.

    you could have UTI.

    orr you could have a bladder infection.

    orrr it could be something even more serious.

    you should tell your mom.

    she probley already knows your having s*x

    depending on how old you are of course.

    if your young, just tell your mom anyway,

    get it over with,

    your healths at risk here.

  7. You may have more than just a UTI.  However, you can go to your local health department and be checked with or without your parents permission.  However, if you feel you are old enough to have s*x, you should be old enough to talk to your mom.  Just my opinion from having 2 teenage sons.

  8. Yes it could be a UTI but you aslo could have a STD. Go to the doctor and get it checked. If you leave it untreated it will make you very sick

  9. yup, need to get that thing check out

  10. If you're still living with your mom, chances are you are too young to be having s*x. That being said, rough s*x can sometimes damage the opening of the urinary tract and may be thought to be a UTI. But you should go to the doctor to make sure it IS a UTI and NOT an STD or anything.

    Good luck.

  11. it could be an yest infection. you can you use a vigasal test to find out. they are cheap and you can by it at a local store without your mom findin out. goooood luck

  12. It could be something as simple as a bladder infection. I would definitely go to the doctor. Something like a bladder infection, can be gone within a day or so after taking the proper medication. You could also try drinking some cranberry juice; that may help.

  13. OMG your pregnant!??!!!!!

  14. You probably have a UTI, it's not going to get better by itself.  You need to tell your Mom.  Anyone can get a urinary tract infection,so it's not necessarily from s*x,  but if you find that you frequently get them you should get into the habit of urinating immediately after s*x and be careful to wipe from the front toward the back every time you urinate.  

  15. Yes, you can get UTI's from having s*x.  That's most likely what it is, and why you got it.  In order to prevent them in the future, you're supposed to always urinate after having s*x.  It clears the bacteria from someone else's body from your urinary tract.  You can also get UTI's from other things though, so just tell your mom - she has no reason to be suspicious.  In the meantime, until you get the guts to tell her, drink cranberry juice.  Not cranberry juice cocktail - - real 100% cranberry juice.  It tastes like c**p, but it will ease the burning/pain.  Also, don't worry - - totally common.  

  16. definatly get it checked out, it may be kidney stones because you get kidney stones from having s*x alot and from dirty underwear.

  17. You totally have a UTI.  And yes, you can get one from s*x.  But, you can get it from lots of other things besides s*x.  Really the best thing to do is go to a doctor ASAP and they will give you anti-biotics.  If you wait, it will only get worse!

  18. just go to the docter, NOW!!!

  19. You probably have an infection.

    You can get a yeast infection without having s*x so don't worry about your  mom and go to the doctor.

  20. Yes it can be from s*x.Can be a yeast infection.Get some monistat.

  21. Damp heat in the Liver channel

    Clinical Manifestations

        * Burning, difficult, dark, painful and frequent urination

        * Cloudy urine, fever thirst

        * T: Yellow greasy

        * P: Slippery, wiry, rapid

    Treatment principle

        * Clear damp, clear heat.


        * Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

    Heat and fire accumulation

    Clinical Manifestations

        * Burning and heat in genitals, fever, mouth ulcers, thirst, more heat symptoms

        * T: Red, especially the tip

        * P: Rapid

    Treatment Principle

        * Clear heat, clear fire


        * Dao Chi San

    Blood stagnation

    Clinical Manifestations

        * Severe, excruciating pain, burning in urinary tract

        * Kidney, or urinary tract stones, bloody urine, cloudy urine.

        * Pain referred to the abdomen or lower back.

        * T: Purple spots

        * P: Deep and choppy


        * Tao Hong Si Wu Tang + Ba Zheng San

  22. I think you are correct in your diagnosis, if you have engaged in digital s*x before you had full sexual penetration this might be the culprit causing the infection, get your partner to wash his hands first. Have a great day.

  23. yes definiately. a uti can be from anything not just s*x. so dont sweat it. but go to the doctor asap or it could grow and become serious, ie kidneys etc. I've gotten uti's without s*x, so I know women can too.

    step one, go to the doctor to confirm it and probably get a light antibiotic

    step two, take the meds, drink cranberry juice, lots of water and eat asparagus

    step three, when meds are done, take probiotics to get you back to full normal

    step four, save yourself for your wedding night, its not easy but study after study confirms that people who wait until they are married have s*x lives that are MUCH more fulfilling there after.

    where as the opposite is true of people who dont

    much love, and good luck

  24. Anyone can get a UTI. It isn't a sign that you are sexually active. It can be caused by many different things. Also could be a kidney or bladder infection. Serious business. You need to see your MD and get some antibiotics. Drink LOTS of fluids.

  25. It could be more anything thing, call your dr a.s.a.p

  26. 1. You're asking the wrong people.

    2. If it's consistent then you might have STD or UTI

    3. Go see a doctor and talk to your mom about it.

  27. It might be a bladder infection, which you can get many ways, not just from s*x. DO NOT ignore it because it can spread to your kidneys and will them be much more serious. It's easily cured with antibiotics, so get you a** to a doctor right away.

  28. No, this actually sounds like a urinary tract infection. If you have to go to the doctor, be truthful to him.

  29. yea u need 2 get that checked out A.S.A.P

  30. it could be a sign of an std or it could just be a uti. either way you should go see a doctor just to be safe. they have places like planned parenthood where you can go without your parents finding out. goodluck.

  31. among other things, it could be UTI. You should really go the doctor. In the meantime, the best thing to do at home is increase your fluid intake. Drink lots of water! Drink Cranberry juice, which changes the acidity of your urine to reduce the burning symptom and helps kill bacteria. But still go to the doctor, especially if it persists.

    Since you said that you're sexually active, just know that Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may cause UTI-like symptoms, such as pain with urination. This is due to the inflammation and irritation of the urethra or v****a that's sometimes associated with chlamydia and other STDs. If untreated, STDs may lead to serious long-term problems. Be careful! And get yourself checked!

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