
It could well be you!!

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How would you feel if you have Hep C and your going to die because your doctor can't read a simple test result

8 years at Uni and medical school and they can't diagnose a fatal disease from a test result what exactly are they teaching our medical students these days? It's the same with Meningitis where a lot of the time it's passed off as flu. Don't get me wrong doctors do a fantastic job but surely being able to read test results is a basic task they should have mastered long ago.

Your thoughts please.




  1. Doctors and Nurses are both are very highly educated and very highly trained, with constant ongoing training throughout their careers.

    Unfortunately both are also human beings at the end of the day. No human being is infallible neither can they know everything. Especially in Medicine which is an extraordinarily complex subject. And just remember as well that everyone is an individual and sometimes present with a wide range of symptoms which have to be pieced together along with test results and diagnosed. It is not exactly easy or an exact science sometimes.

    The biggest risk to patient safety is the constant politicisation of both Doctors and Nurses careers and the vastly increased workloads that have little to do with patients. (i.e. huge paperwork trails). This takes us away from diagnosing, treating and helping our patients. Another example is during training, both Doctors and Nurses are having vast ammounts of time devoted to peripheral subjects such as sociology and psychology of the patient, politics and political correctness, which takes away actual medical training time.

    Yes sometimes mistakes are made, but they are made in every single walk of life. Has noone else out there ever made a mistake or missed something?

    Before a lot of people start crucifying the medical proffession once again, just remember that Doctors and Nurses are still the most reliable and highly trained proffessionals to help you when you are injured or ill. So stop crucifying us and instead maybe start working WITH us to keep the government from interfering in our proffessions and work with us by taking some responsibility for your own health. We are not miracle workers or gods, we can only do so much.

    Or would you rather crucify the medical professions completely? Then who would you have to turn to when you are sick or injured?

  2. lots of things worry me. my mil had a stroke last year. she was well looked after, had scans etc. she's more or less ok now, but a few months after the stroke her doctor sent her back to hospital to check her heart, they never even checked it the first time. It turned out she had an irregular heartbeat that caused the stroke. I'd've thought it would've been one of the first checks they did.

  3. Lets kill all the doctors.

  4. Once again, "life is fatal"   and Doctors are not perfect..

    You can not really live until you have accepted that you are going to die and prepared for eternity.  

    Jesus Christ is the answer to eternal life..

  5. it's happening everywhere, doctors (not all) but they seem to have taken on 2 many patients or the interest isn't there anymore...

    Pharmicists are just as bad, my mother had a complaint with her eyes the doctor prescibed a cream, the pharmacy gave her drops and a cream which she was allergic too and made her condition far worse.....

  6. I'm thankful I have a good doctor. Once I broke my leg and he diagnosed the problem as "patient has a broken leg". Another time I cut myself and he diagnosed the problem as "patient is bleeding from a cut".

    Wow, he's so smart.  

  7. Who ever said that docs were God? Docs actually are very limited in what they can do. If it's your time to go, then your gonna go. Nothing can be done.  

  8. I agree.  I mean, a doctor has a very important job.  They hold people's lives in their hands.  They pretty much control someone's fate and if they can't do their job correctly they could kill the person.  

  9. They can't speak our language! and the health service is now being run on the cheap!

  10. it IS terrible and i see your point but a doctor can't always get it right they are human and humans make mistakes  

  11. Doctors make a diagnosis based on the symptoms which the patient presents with. They then order what blood work and other tests need to be done and when those results come through they can make a diagnosis. They're not perfect and some people have unusual symptoms. All you can really do as a patient is keep going back to the doctor if you're sick and hope it is a common illness and they make the right diagnosis.

  12. Maybe the computerised test results are proving to be too complicated for them!  So, solution lies in sending all docs back to the classroom!
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