
It doesn't exist unless we talk about it. Is that the consensus among the politicians?

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  1. The problem with the economy is that it can't be answered in a sound bite.

    You don't expect the Republicans to own it, even if they created it.

    They are busy blaming Democrats, who, frankly can't find their shoes under the bed.  

    A while back McCain made a mistake and spoke honestly about the economy, he told a town where the main employer had closed and left town that those jobs were lost and never coming back.

    Not what they wanted or needed to hear, he won't do that again.

    So no one is going to tell us that playtime is over, that the bills of the useless war are coming due, that taxing the rich is a better alternative to taxing whats left of the middle class, that if we don't get health care for all we are going to only have health care for a few, and that in all probability Bush's voodoo economics has wrecked the country for the benefit of those same few who are exceedingly wealthy.

    Oh, and fair trade needs to overhauled and we need to look closely at a more protectionist stance.

    Which will give business apoplexy.

    Or that the average home owner has lost a quarter of his worth in one year.

    Fasten you seat belts, boys, its going to be a bumpy ride.

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