
It explains nothing. What goes into the body has got to affect what comes out of it, surely.?

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I have just been diagnosed with osteoarthritits and am looking for natural healing solutions/help - there must be at least one that someone has tried. Is there anyone here who has successfully tried a natural solution/help? If so what was it? Has it been consistant in its effects? ie giving up sugar, tomatoes,taking glucosamine.




  1. Glucosamine is probably the supplement that is most effective for osteoarthritis. You also need to change your diet; all the usual stuff, which adds up to not eating processed foods any more than you can help.

    My experience is that someone who already has osteoarthritis usually needs 3000mg per day of glucosamine to get any results in a reasonable time.

  2. Oh, that's terribly unfortunate. Well, there are several natural supplements that help joint health, which may remove the cause of the pain. The most popular are Microlactin, Tart Cherries, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic Acid, Litozin (Danish Rose Hips), and Bromelain. Of those, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM tend to be more popular because they have more history on them, but they can also take the longest to build up in your system. Microlactin, Hyaluronic Acid, and Tart Cherries tend to work the fastest from what customers have told me.

    We literally have thousands of customers that take any variety of these, not to mention all the other millions of people world-wide that aren't our customers that take these products to help their joints. Most of them that report things to us have said that they tend to work on a consistent basis, too.

    The only thing to really watch out for is allergies. Glucosamine is typically from Shellfish and Microlactin is from milk. As long as you're not allergic to those, you should have no problem. Good luck!

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