
It feels like my friends have been ignoring me?

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There really nice to me at school and include me in everything but outside of school we hardly seem to do anything anymore. We used to almost everyday. I know they still do because I hear about it all the time. Also they hardly seem to call anymore and they never answer me on myspace. Last week one of them told me to go meet them somewhere and didn't show. I tried calling but he didn't answer. This isn't the first time this has happened either. Today one of them texted me just to say hi, and i get it a half an hour later and when I reply he just says "to late." I feel like I am starting to be used and starting to wonder if I really have any true friends. Any advice?




  1. I would stick with the friends who aren't doing this in the meantime, but I would confront them at school and ask why they aren't answering calls and not meeting you.  If you really want to, you can organise things.  Take the initiative and they might follow.  Also if you really feel yu have no true friends, maybe it's time to go and look for new ones.

  2. I would honestly tell them what you feel about the situation and then try and talk to them to see if maybe you upset them some how or whats going on. if they don't pick up try and get them face to face. If they still don't respond then i would move on as much as it sucks you don't deserve to be treated that way

  3. I'm sorry that you are feeling that way.  And your best bet is to explain how you feel to them.  I'm not a confrontational person at all, so I understand if you are afraid to do it.  You will never know unless you ask, though.  Once you clear the air, you'll feel better.  If it turns out that your friends are just being mean, then it's time to make some new ones.  Sometimes friends can hurt us more than anyone.  They may not have even realized it, though.  If they haven't and apologize, you have good friends.  If they haven't and still don't change, you have horrible friends.  Btw, he might have been joking with that IM.  Best luck to you!

  4. aww, you should confront them and ask them what's up. i don't know them so i can't judge, but if they really are excluding you on purpose you, they either don't feel close to you or just don't want to hang out. if they are intentionally just trying to be mean, you should move on and find better friends. the text might have just been a light joke, though.

  5. Buddy, You just need to move on but before you do that you have to confront them. you have the right to know what is going on. You guys have been best friends before so you gotta know it.

    this happened to me once, and it took me a while to gather my courage and face my friend but at least by the end i knew that it was my imagination. But of course i needed to know what has happened before i just go on, and let go of our friendship.

    good luck man!

  6. it seems like you guys are growing apart a little...i would just come face to face to talk to one of them ( a hypocrite because i need to talk to one of my best friends about somethings thats been bothering me lately..)

    and last school year i had the same problem near the end in two of my "once close" friends' attempt to be in the most popular group...and decided i wasn't cool enough to join them...i mean we still talk and all but we def don't get to hang out outside of school as i totally know what ur going through...

    and NEVER  ask to go...or invited pisses people off MAJORLY...

    good luck dear...hope everything works out!!

    : ) Jill

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