
It feels like my mind is slipping away from me

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Sounds a bit odd, I know. But these past few months have not been good for me. Nothing major has happened to me events-wise, but I just feel so different, like I'm not myself. Sometimes I'll be doing something, and it'll be like someone else is doing it, I'm not feeling any emotions or anything. Also, I've become paranoid, completely. I don't get any sleep, and now I'm just not tired at night any more - I'll go to bed and feel like the day should just be starting, and in the day I'm knackered. I'm so paranoid that I just lie awake at night, and any noise I hear scares the h**l out of me. Once I was so afraid that I intentionally wet the bed so I could wake mum up and not be the only person awake in the house (I'm a teenager). I had depression before, and now it feels like it might be coming back - sometimes I'm overwhelmed with sadness, feel really angry and just scream at myself, completely insane almost, and other times I feel really happy, invincible even. It really does feel like I've stayed still, and my mind has shifted to the left and I can't get hold of it. Please tell me how I can beat this, because it really is making my life almost unliveable.




  1. hello Kya, you don't say how old you are but remember that you have all sorts of hormones whizzing around at the moment and that can really make you feel wretched and miserable. i know you said you've had depression before and if you feel this may be a problem again it may be a good idea to get some help fro the docs. i am going to suggest something that is completely up to you to take up or not. it has changed my life and i've suffered with depression too. here goes. i gave everything, my depression, my home life my work and also my life itself, to Jesus. He really did help me, i just couldn't have gone through what i have without Him. ask Him to help, He honestly does. x

  2. Slow down! You're a teenager. There's a lot of happening now. Your body is changing, you're starting to think about adulthood, you have challenges at school, challenges with relationships. It's not an easy period, but you'll get through it. Consider taking a yoga class or at least go on the internet and looking up 'relaxation techniques.' The techniques take practice, but if you do them they really do help. As far as being afraid at night, try the relaxation techniques and take sensible steps. Make sure your windows are locked, play some soft boring music, and sleep with a light on if you have to. I think you're experiencing normal teenage stress and anxiety. It will pass in time.  

  3. What did you do the last time you had depression? Did you take any medicine? You should see a doctor, and get a prescription if you need to. Some people need to take insulin for blood sugar, that's a chemical issue just like depression is, and you may need medicine. Please see someone. Good luck.  

  4. I understand what you're going through. I feel the same way, except only sometimes I feel "invincible". I'm fourteen. It could be hormones, yes...but just giving it that label doesn't make the feelings go away.

    Just keep talking now, help yourself. That's what I've been doing for the past year and a half now. It's hard. Not knowing if it'll be with you for a really long time or if it'll go away as soon as your teenage years are over.  

  5. Stop eating processed foods and start eating natural foods.

  6. This is very very very interesting I have to say because it relates to this brain activity myth that I read about back in the year of 2005. Its been said that people feel as if someone els is doing something for them even when they are doing it themselves, because your mind is creating something like mini-semi-split personality inside of you. It goes back to a myth I read back in 2005 where this kid that was failing his classes in middle school one day started to pass them like it was 2nd nature. But for some reason, when he would get done with a test he felt as if someone els inside of him had done it for him. You know the feeling you get when someone does you a favor and tells you, "Dont worry about it. Anytime my friend". He felt as if a split person inside of his mind gave him the knowlegde to do whatever it was he had to do. But the symptons of depression that you are going through donnot relate to the myth I read about. Although it has something to do with the hyper activity inside the brain. The kid did go through a series of depression due to him failing his classes and his parents becomming more strict on him, but scientist have said that when a person reaches a deep and I mean deep state of depression something inside the brain, known as a fail safe kick into gear and it creates some sort of vengence and self reliance inside of a person that makes them feel like they have a inner gaurdian angel doing things for them. In this case its known as a split personallity because people around you will attend to notice a big change in you when you do things that they are not use to seeing you do. The symptons of not needing sleep also came into the play because the boy became some what of a robot that did not require any type of rest. He may have drifted back in relaxation a few times a day but other than that he did not require immediate sleep like most people do.

    But there are some flip sides to this. People that I spoke to that know sources that interviewd the kids parents at a high school graduation for their older daughter mentioned that the boy became more departed from the family every year meaning that he did not depend on anyone els close to him for help. If you ask me, this split personality became some sort of bond with him that pulled his mind away from his family and influenced him to build trust in himself. A person that we all know of that is similar to this is (Abraham Lincoln).  

  7. As you are a teenager you have a lot of hormones and growing going on in your body. On top of that there are the changes going on in your head preparing you for adulthood which are terrifying. You are probably above average intelligence too, which leads you to question all of the things you are thinking and feeling. One of the symptoms of depression and paranoia is feeling alone, and this makes it all worse. I went through something very similar as a teenager between 13-16. (now 25) I got over it by being inquisitive about the world that so scared me, and learning that I was not different or strange. I would strongly recommend the following:

    Eat healthily: this cannot be underestimated especially for a young body. Cutting out excess sugar, refined food, saturated fat and increasing foods rich in minerals like leafy vegetables will help keep you balanced. Aviod caffeine and sugary drinks.

    Do not take drugs or alcohol: If you are feeling down these will not pick you up. They will damage your body.

    Excersise, fresh air and sun: Avoid staying up too late and missing the day. Go for walks. Play with friends outside. Get sun (With sun protection). These will boost your happiness levels.

    Help Yourself: Write stories or diaries, do drawings and paintings, write a song, express yourself outwardly, not by damaging or harming your body.  

    Talk: If you haven't got anyone to talk to, go for a walk in the park and talk to yourself. That is pretty much what therapy is anyway, and it's free.

    I wish you all the best, and remember the sadness, tears and worries are all part of the process. You are becoming a real person. It is nothing to worry about or medicate away. Live through it.

    Good Luck.

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