
It feels like my quads have been ripped from the bone! What's happened and what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I was exercising at the school track

and i had been doing stadium stairs annd before that i had done some weights (nothing too intense).

I started to run, and 1 or 2 seconds in i got this intense, sharp pain in my quads. I tried to walk it off, but that didn't help.

This was like an hour and a half ago and they are still killing me!!

It hurts to walk or straighten my legs.

idk what I did and why they are hurting so bad!!

what happened and what do i do?




  1. I'll massage them for you. Jk! hehe. I would put ice on them and see a doctor if the pain doesn't subside after several days.

  2. You might of torn something if its in just one leg, or you could of torn something in both legs with would be really rare. Another reason may have been that you pulled something in your quads while lifting and not felt it until you started to run.

    Try resting your legs, laying down in bed or on a couch should help. If the pain doesn't go away in a couple days i would go talk to a doctor and see if anything is torn.

  3. u could have pulled that muscle otherwise see a doctor now

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