
It gets worse, Police officers asking a 15 yo girl to pick up litter started a riot...?

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They asked her to pick up some rubbish she's dropped, but she became aggresive, sparking off a fight in which the officers were attacked by up to 30 people, including many adults, and bitten!!




  1. Her parents must be so proud.  Wouldn't surprise me if they were among the 30 strong mob.

    What a shocking state of affairs.

  2. Discraceful display by 15 year old of lack of respect for others.

  3. It seems to get worse every day!Put the perpetrators away for 12months!

  4. It doesn't surprise me that youths might get out of hand like that but in this case the adults should really feel the full penalty of the law. My brother-in-law was one of those headmasters who would be sent in to failing schools, I don't remembering him ever saying he was physically attacked by students, but he was by parents on several occasions. The adults aren't just part of this unrule, they encourage it.

  5. absolutley shocking. What on earth is going on with society today?

  6. imagine the scene.

    police tell girl to pick up litter (and rightly so)-she gets loud and aggressive knowing full well her mates will back her up-result police get injured and property damaged.

    alternative scene-police tell girl to pick up litter-she gets loud knowing her mates will back her up-policeman sees mob approaching policeman goes to police car and reaches for the pump-action shotgun stored in the passenger footwell-he then cranks the gun and faces the gang with it across his chest-gang sees the weapon and decides its off home now to tea and sesame street-meanwhile the girl has lost her tongue and nobody got injured.

    aaah yes-if only

  7. If being asked to pick up some litter is all that sparked her up then she deserves to be locked up.

  8. I read that 3 coppers were called round to a Boots store because a young girl tried on nail polish and refused to pay for it. Getting their prorities right as usual!

  9. Ha! the BBC, I don't believe a word of it, no names, or pack drill, and the girl was released after 'biting' a cop, come on.

  10. they should be made examples off but due to full prison and corrupt defence lawyers they will probably get away with cautions,

    If the Tory's really want to get and stay in power, it must be built on the strongest, fairest laws that will protect the Innocent

    and have the courts and jails in place to back up the judges and police

  11. This doesn't surprise me. Typical of teenagers today, who think they are beyond the law. This is all down to lack of power given to police and all these goody-to-shoes people who say its not their fault, its a bad upbringing, or because they are to young to understand (which is bollox, at 13yo I knew if I was doin wrong or not!!).

  12. at least the police officers are allowed to defend themselves without getting arrested

  13. What a lovely place London is to live - I can't believe the scum we have in the country!

  14. I would like to hear both sides of the story first. What did the Police Officers say, or do to cause such mayhem?. We are only getting the Police version and that of the biased BBC at this moment in time.

  15. New Labour introduced these silly policing methods of prosecuting someone for dropping a candy wrapper; but letting knife thugs off with a caution. So the responsibility lies with them !!

    I agree with others here who said, as this story came up on the BBC, it may be more liberal propaganda to try and show  New Labour is "doing something" on the streets. Yes, but what they are doing is being like over-zealous social workers.

  16. Chavs rule.

  17. Yes it is getting worse,typical answer from Mr Sarcastic of Humberside, Uni drop out, has criminal record,unable to get lawful employment

  18. Yeah,so the police version say!Ive heard how some of these coppers 'ask'and they are rude and offensive are they,hardly a riot mate arresting a young girl and 2 middle aged drunks!!!

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