
It has surface in the past, but is this the worst era of government corruption ever in this country?

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It seems far larger and far more corrupt than other examples mentioned in the standard american history books. what happened to glostnost and accountibility and all that good stuff? aint it time for some serious payback?




  1. It's by far the worst I have seen, and I have been around for 67 years now.

  2. Nope, this administration has been one of the least corrupt administration we have had in a long time.

    Compare this administration to the last one.

    Bush :

    one indictment

    one conviction


    38 indictments

    33 convictions

    Thats more convictions than the Nixon administration had !!!!

  3. I'm no history buff, but I can't imagine it being much worse, or much more sophisticated.  The masses are brainwashed into believing that the corrupt policies are for their own good, and lately, they seem to only want more.  Pretty scary.

  4. Yes, without a doubt, the past eight years has been the most blatantly corrupt us government in history. We have been deceived and  Bush and his mob are still running the country.

    People keep writing books and pointing the finger, but what is being done about it?  We the people need to clean house, starting with the "do little congress," who are getting fat from passing the laws big business lobbyists pay them to pass. Laws that are hurting" we the people", but helping the big businesses get bigger, such as the new bankruptcy laws, health care,  and home loans. Now, the government is bailing out the crooks by giving the people who ripped off the people free taxpayer money.Its all about greed and cronyism.

    The US is helping to rebuild Iraq, people who hate us. They just spend one billion dollars to build a new embassy in Iraq using foreign labor. Just as soon as the troops are gone will the terrorists just bomb it anyway?  Why haven't they spend the money rebuilding a new World Trade Center?  The blue prints already exist so what are they waiting for? We can't let the terrorist think they won.  All the taxpayer money is being send outside the us. Does this make sense when our country is falling apart, Katrina, bad bridges and roads.

    This is just my opinion but I am really fed up and want action. I am going to call my congressman when he comes back from vacation.

  5. Only the liberals are corrupt, the Republicans are free of blemishes, without stain, pure as the driven snow, etc.

  6. Nothing that I have seen in my lifetime and any history I have studied, this admistration has been the most corrupt in our nations history with no accountablity.

  7. It is horrific that our government is so out of touch with the people and the needs of people. Any budget I make anymore is trashed because there are so many hidden fingers in my pocket and there is no accountability for their portion..too much talk and no action.  It really irks me that our government acts helpless when I can think of instant solutions to many problems that help the masses.  Why, because I've had to!  As long as the government has their automatic withdrawal of our income from our wages and expenses they aren't affected...what is coming with the continued fuel increase is going to shut down the working class people and it will hit the government so hard that there will be no recovery.

    We will learn to barter and like the pilgrim's we will establish our communities sharing and caring about our neighbors.

    I honestly can't tell if the rich are so filthy rich that it doesn't affect them (including our politicians).

    Middle class working people are so strapped and they're losing their American Dream and values to greed, greed and more greed........did I say greed?  It's pathetic, it has made me hate money.  We are hard working people and we don't deserve to be raped by the government who is suppose to be representing American people. I am confident, we will prevail regardless for we have been the ones who are laboring to feed our country, we certainly are capable of feeding ourselves.

    Peace Be Still

  8. The greatest fear of America’s Founding Fathers for the future of the nation the created was that, eventually, a poorly educated and ill-informed public would elect politicians even more greedy and selfish than themselves.  With the Bush Administration, this fear may finally have been realized.

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