
It hasnt even been 10 mins. and i miss him. how can i deal with this for 13 weeks?

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the guy i fell in love with is leaving for boot camp tomarrow morning. i talked to him for the last time a few minutes ago. i already miss him. i can stop crying. i dont know how im going to deal with this for 13 weeks. i know he loves everything about being a marine and i support him, i just miss him so much. what do i do?




  1. Run, don't walk, to  It's the best online resource for anything and everything USMC, and the RECRUIT MESSAGE BOARDS and chatroom will be what gets you through the next 13 weeks.  They'll tell you what to do RIGHT NOW to help yourself through the next couple of weeks until you hear from him.  They'll be right there with you when the happy letters come and the tough letters come... either way, you'll have recruit parents who have been through it and can show you the way.

    By the way.. it's not just limited to parents... but anybody who's a loved-one of a USMC Recruit.    They will welcome you with open arms and virtual kleenex... and help you through every day of the next 13 weeks.

    Hang in there... It's going to be tough... but you'll get through it just fine!

  2. Keep yourself busy. Join a gym, when you feel bad, go to the gym.  

  3. my boyfriend graduates from mcrd san diego sept. 20th

    from the time he left until the day i got a letter from him was the hardest. which was about 2 1/2-3 weeks. and that was the hardest part. he is half way threw phase 2 and that is when i started to change my mind of being depressed to start getting excited about graduation and knowing its half way done and graduation is kind of insight.

    yes i do miss him but staying busy has really helped.

    just keep busy, do things with your friends--but dont do things you will regret. and just take it a day at a time..i promise, once the first two weeks are over and you start getting letters is when it gets better and soon you will be able to see your marine :) good luck--stick threw it because he needs you and appreciates you for getting threw it with him and write alllll the time :)

  4. Definitely write letters: absence does make the heart grow fonder.  Express it on the page; it'll help you deal.  

    Just because he's not there with you doesn't mean you aren't together.  Use this time to show that your feelings aren't constricted by being in the same place.  Real love overcomes obstacles--like distance.  If you really care, make it work by being the strong person you are (with or without him) and supporting him in every way you can given the limits.

    So cry it out, for sure, cause it's tough, but when you're done, stand your ground.  When you're not sending support his way, use the free time to get back to you: do the things you love to do.  

    Best wishes, girl. Take care.

    ps. For the letters I recommend picking up Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets.  Try numbers 17, 173, and 27.  Plus e.e. cummings "your homecoming will be my homecoming"; and John Donne's "Valediction: Forbidding Mourning".

  5. no offense but if you are going to be with a marine you have got to be stronger then that. my husband is army and he has been deployed for 11 months now and i didn't act like that even when he first left. yeah its hard to get used to but you just gotta be strong and keep living your life. keep busy and do the things that you would normally do (school, work, friends) and you will get into a routine soon. just remember..this boot camp is going to be nothing compared to his future deployments.

  6. What are you going to do when he is gone for a year ???

    Guess you better get a job and stay busy...

  7. Why not go out and volunteer. Maybe go to your local VA and try to cheer up the vets? Its am amazing thing. I do that every other weekend. It makes you feel better and it really cheers up the vets. esp the ones who do not have family that visit them. Keep yourself busy and time will fly. Your guy is doing a wonderful thing.

  8. If you care about this person and care to have a future with him while he is in the Marine Corps I suggest you start learning to get used to the separation. You are going to have to understand that once he has become a Marine his job to the government comes 1st before, his girlfriend, wife ,family ,everything.

    He will have to leave on a moments notice.

    Your job will be to keep busy to pass this time. You cannot sit around waiting for his return. You have to get a job, volunteer, go to school. Anything to make the time pass.

    I really loathe wives and girlfriends who sit around by the phone making themselves miserable waiting to hear from their man who is on deployment or whatever. I had several friends who even neglected their children because they make themselves miserable like this.

    In your case it is understandable considering all this is new and this is only boot camp.

    I am telling you this from experience. You have to Keep busy. Think of it this way. He is busy doing all kinds of things during boot camp therefore you should be too.

    I was a Marine before I Married my husband. I had alot of things to get used to. When he got up early for PT I got up early too and went for my run. I got 2 jobs, and a volunteer job during the weekend with the Young Marines when he was in Iraq in 2003 so my time was completely consumed. Yes i missed him, I worried and cried alot while he was gone. But keeping busy kept me focused and from getting depressed. I kept this thought always in my mind.

    He is busy, so I should be busy too.

    I tell you time went by decently and he was home with me again. And I quit  my jobs to be home with my husband.

    I don't mean to souns like a jerk at all. Sorry to come across as one, I am jsut telling you the reality of being with somebody in the military. If you feel you can be deditcated and understanding then go for it.

    Good luck Sweetheart

    In the mean time here is a website that can help you

  9. You will be fine. You will deal with it just like everyyyonee else who loves a man in the military (including myself). at first everything will remind you of him, but it will get better.

    Boot camp is the best way to train the wife/girlfriend to learn to deal with their man being gone.

    Mine is currently deployed for 15 months and it isnt so bad cause im used to him being gone, this is just another basic trainingx5 lol.

    You will get over it and learn to live your life. Plus, use this time to finish things you need to get done.

  10. Write him & support him. That's all you can do.

  11. Cheat on him, or break it off.

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