
It hurts to breath when I first wake up.?

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I am an asthmatic, have been my whole like, i use singular for allergies, azmacort for maintanence and albutoral for relief. Last month my chest started to hurt when i woke up, my first couple of deep breath were extremly painful, i would take my albutoral and the pain would subside, but it would still be painful. Went to the doctor took and EKG which came up perfect and chest x-ray which was perfect to. After about a week of painful breathing especially in the morning, it went away on its own. I still dont know why it came. Now a month later, it is starting again. I sleep perfect at night never waking up for any reason, but when i wake up on my own, my first deep breaths are killing me and i have to run for my inhalar which takes the pressure away, but my chest still feels heavy. I also noticed that when i breath deep the sides of my neck hurt to. What could this be? Could my air conditioner be doing this to me? Any help would be great




  1. If you are asthmatic air conditioner aren't all that bad for you , and in fact they will  purify the air in the house and lower the humidity as well In turn will allow you to breathe easier , it is why pulmonary specialist advise some of their patient to move to Arizona for the dryer conditions. Why is the side of your neck is hurting is beyond my comprehension  and would be a good idea upon you next visit or if not sooner to mention to your physician this pain .He is more able to tell when he will examine you .Get well soon and have a great day  

  2. Air conditioning does this a lot. I have the same problem.


  3. It could be your air con, i wake up coughing and wheezing if the air temp drops below 10 deg. It don't know if this helps.

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