
It is 10 AM and my daughter is still sleeping?

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my daughter who goes to bed at 9 pm doesnt wake up until at least 9:30 Am or 10PM . this is her schedule .

she gets at 10pm and eats breakfast

.plays until 12 then eat lunch

then goes back to bed at 1 .

from 1 pm she gets up at 4:30 pm and eats some snacks

then eats dinner at 6:30pm

then a snack at 8 or so then goes to bed at 9 .

My question is not that i am complaining about her sleeping patterns ( trust me i get to do some other things 0 but i feel she is not being up a lot to eat and her eating patterns are always hectic . cause sometimes she doesnt even get hungry . should i leave it to that or change her schedule .




  1. Every child's patterns are different.  There is no cookie cutter set of rules you have to go by really.  It sounds like she is doing fine to me.

    My son (he's 3 now) had a schedule similar to that when he was that age.  It's good for them to get a lot of sleep almost up to when they start kindergarten.  And if she's healthy and gaining weight properly, then she's eating fine, too.  =)

  2. eating breakfast at 10 pm cant be good for anyone

  3. I think I would be more concerned that she is sleeping way too much.  She is not up and awake long enough to burn that much energy that's why she isn't eating that much.  My son has just turned 18 months and he goes to bed at 8pm wakes at 7am and take one 1.5 to 2 hour nap a day.  He has done this since he was 12 months old.  I wouldn't be concerned about her eating but I would let your pediatrician know how much she sleeps.  A child this age shouldn't be sleeping that much. It could be that you are very lucky and she just plays really hard but it's better to be safe.  Other things could cause her to stay tired all the time and require this much sleep.  I would mention it at her next doctor visit.

  4. It's up to you.  We are much the same with our 3 1/2 year old, we go a bit with what works for us.  She usually sleeps until 8:30am, but doesn't go to bed until 9:30pm at night, with a 2 hours sleep during the day for about 4 days a week (the other days, she doesn't sleep, and she goes to be earlier). If your daughter's sleep patterns work for you, don't worry about it too much

    Also, don't worry about the eating pattern.  If she is getting healthy and nutritious food when she does get it, it's no problem.  She's not going to starve, and I wouldn't consider it overeating.  Maybe she is going through a growth spurt right now - constantly snacking and lots of sleep is a sign....

  5. Well she will eat when she is hungery. Trust me I know my daughter is going on 3. The change all the time. She might being starting something new. Everything is fine.  

  6. Just leave it be. She will let you know if she wants more to eat. I have a 10 month old and I just really try and go with the flow, Because all days are different. But, if it really bothers you and is interfering with your schedule you could try and get her on a regulated schedule. However, the only thing that matters is that she is healthy, happy, and growing properly- If she is all of those, then she is eating plenty!

  7. Its only natural calm down shes still a baby!

  8. That does sound like she's eating a lot.

    And for young children, that's an odd sleeping pattern. But I think you should start feeding her less, but perhaps a bigger quantity of food when she does feel hungry.

  9. At that age, they need as much asleep as possible. As long as she is sleeping through the night, you have nothing to worry about.

  10. Babies will eat when they are hungry. If she is hungry and not getting enough you will know because she will cry. If she is not getting enough nutritional food during meals substitute those things during snacks, for example if she didnt drink her milk give her some cheese during snack. Things like that. Babies have small stomachs so when they eat and are full we think that they didnt eat very much but really they are content. If this continues to happen and you are really concerned maybe contact md and just ask a few questions over the phone. In the mean time try to give her enough foods from eat food group. Good luck!

  11. May be put her to bed a little earlier. But other than that it seems fine. My boy get up at 8am, breakfast. Nap at 10. Lunch at 12, Nap at 3 dinner at 5 and bed by 7.30. So its not much different just my day starts earlier. As for her not being that hungry, if she has breakfast at 10am she is not going to be very hungry at 12 for lunch. So try starting a little earlier and see if that helps. But during the day if she wants to sleep let her if this does not affect night time sleep.

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