
It is 106 degrees here with 38% humidity here how hot or cold is it where your at???

by Guest60578  |  earlier

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I live in Los Angeles County usually the humidity

is under 10% I feel like I live In Florida again.





  1. ~~~It is curretnly at 109 degrees and 19% humidity. Yuk, Yuk, double Yuk! I'm So. Ca. and I'm sick of this heat already and it's just getting started~~~

  2. It's a nice cool 80º here in Ohio.

  3. In New Jersey it was about 80 today and the humidity wasn't too bad.

  4. its 90F with 10% relative humidity

    morning expected 2 go to 111 F

  5. 70 :D with a severe thunderstorm watch until 7 eastern time.

  6. It's 113 degrees here with hardly any humidity, guess where I am?

  7. 78F here in southeast Wyoming with an RH of 20%.  Summer is here!!

  8. its 77 here humidity id 51%

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