
It is about PEACE CORPS.?

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My daughter just finished highschool. She plans to join Peace Corps. I think she should go to college to for her future, and have 4 more years to mature.

What should I do now?

- Let her go?

- Bring her to counselor?

Most iportant question is:

- Is it good, safe to join Peace Corps.?

Thank you for your help!




  1. Thousands of people do this sort of thing.

    Here's the website, it'll give you all the information you and her will need:

  2. Your daughter can apply to the Peace Corps, but she won't get an invitation. She is wasting her time and theirs.

    While you can theoretically get in at 18, the only person to do so had helped run his family's farm from the age of 8 and had been president of his County 4-H for three years running when he was in high school.

    You need a skill that a host country has asked for. The fellow I mentioned could give farmer's advice, and they could see the manure on his boots, so to speak.

    92% of all PCV's have a college degree. The other 8% have 10 - 50 years of experience in something a host country has asked for.

    If your daughter has 10 years of experience, I apologize. She could be a stellar PCV. I suspect, though, that she has high ideals and no job skills. The Peace Corps accepts one applicant out of four. Unskilled 18-year olds apply constantly. They waste everyone's time.

    My daughter is a PCV today. She has a degree and worked for two years before she went in. There are dangers. There are dangers in the streets of Chicago and in small towns, as well.

    Read more, if you like:

  3. She's NOT going to get into the PCs at 18 with no college degree, unless she has outstanding work experience, can work in a language other than English and has amazing references.

    Let her apply now and she will *probably* get turned down.

    If she really wants to be in the PCs and do the best possible job for people in poor countries that she can, she really needs to go to college first, absolutely. She also needs to do volunteering and work locally, wherever she is now. Here's more advice

    She can also look into AmeriCorps:

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