
It is consider an affair if a married guy chats with a woman online?

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If the chat contains, I love you, I miss you and explicit s*x talk. But that woman is 8000 miles away?




  1. Yes, it is an emotional affair and is not right for a married man to be speaking this way with anyone other than his wife.

  2. It is not an affair yet but it will be giving time and opportunity. I come to think of this : any sexual conversation to be kept private from a spouse is cheating.

  3. I think so. Why would you tell someone else you love them if all you do is talk online.

  4. are you hurt by it? if so it's cheating

  5. yes.  

  6. i wouldnt say its an affair but maybe attraction, maybe not physical or sexual but emotional attraction. However YES it could eventually become an affair after they meet each other!! Has he ever met that women?

  7. yes

  8. Absolutely.  It is an emotional affair which is the worst kind for women to deal with.

  9. yes it called an emotional affair its cheating 8000 miles or not

  10. Of course it is cheating if that's the content of the messages!!!  So what if she is 8,000 miles away...

    if she was close by he would probably be sleeping with her...

  11. i would consider an affair to involve having s*x or some kind of person to person contact....they are a long ways away...i bet both have lied to each other so much they wouldnt ever want to meet. so make you an id and get his chat some good chatting with him yourself..maybe even can make your marriage a little spicer too...commucations and spicing things up can help a you can either make things worse by making a big deal or you can work on your own marriage so he wont be looking else where there close by..

  12. depends what type of chatting is happening.

  13. Only if you feel like you've crossed the line with conversation-a quick hello -no. It could be therepy for your own marriage.

  14.'s the same as phone s*x...

  15. h**l yes, it was cheating as soon as he's looking up women

  16. no. If they have no plan to meet no where no!

  17. yes would you like if your man did that to you?  

  18. yes. he is a married man but he is having sexual converstions (which would prolly have lead to intercourse if u two werent so far away) with someone who is not his partner. that is cheating

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