
It is cycle day 35 and I am having pregnancy symptoms. Could I be pregnant?

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My last period was on 7-29-08. My hubby and I had s*x on Aug 4, 9, and 14 (lack due to heavy work schedules).

I don't know the exact date when my next period will come. I am thinking it will be around the 31 of this month. Mainly because I just got off of depo. I only took one shot (4-3-08 and was due for another on 6-25-08, but didn't get it). When my period came, it lasted for 11 days...with the last days being extremely light. Then it went away for 3 days and return immediately after my husband and I had s*x on aug 14. That lasted for 3 days. It was various colors...first light pink, then dark brown/red with HEAVY mucus, red. To do that is abnormal for me.

Since being on depo I got a period every month like normal and I got one after I got off. I am not longer on depo because I didn't get my second shot. Therefore the drug should be out of me right?

My breast, hands, knees and ankles are swelling and I "feel" pregnant. Could I be. I should be back on track now after taking depo because I am getting monthly periods. I tested 2 days ago and got a BFN.




  1. go the doctor and take a test duh...u cant think ur preggers go to the doctor as soon as possible

  2. no sure why hands, knees, and ankles are swelling but breast are normal!

    I would wait a few more days and test again.. gl!

  3. I'm not sure why your hands and knees and ankles are swelling, but that is not a sign of early pregnancy.  Wait a few more days and then take a home pregnancy test. Chances are good that you are not pregnant though.

  4. I would suggest going to the doctor, sounds like you may be holding fluids.  It would be best to go and get a physical to be on the safe side.

    I know it is expensive these days to go to a doctor, but you should always take good care of yourself.  Plus blood work is the best pregnancy test you can have done.  I was on the pill and had regular menstrual cycle and still was pregnant for my first 3 months and didn't realize it until I had the blood work done.  Good luck!

  5. Depo can take up to two years to leave your system completely. You might be pregnant, but chances are that your body is just messed up after the depo. I only had two different injections of it, but didn't get my period for 6 months after that second injection. I "felt" pregnant during that time as well, but from what my doctor said, it was just the depo still messing with my hormones.

    You could always ask your doctor to run a quant blood test on you to see if there is ANY pregnancy hormone in your system (not just enough for a pee test to pick up on), then you would know for sure. But if you do that and it comes back negative, I'd say your body just needs some time to come back down off of the shot.

  6. You may very well be hun, i don't know what these guys are talking about it is a symptom for your ankles to swell up. =]

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