
It is impossible to cancel a Bank of America credit card, what should I do?

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I called in a few months ago to have one of my Bank of America credit cards canceled. After waiting an hour on hold and being transferred several different times, I reach a black guy who sounds like a thug, doesn't introduce himself, he just says hello, and he asks for my credit card number. I give it to him and say that I want my card canceled and the credit limit combined with my other credit card. He says, "aight". I cut up my credit card.

A month later, I still have both accounts and the limits have not been combined. So, I call back today. After being transferred 5 different times, I reach a black guy who doesn't introduce himself, he just says hello. I explain my situation, and he says hold on. A voice recording comes on the phone and says, "Our operators cannot take your call at this time, please call again later". And then the call is ended.

This should be illegal. What can I do?




  1. If you walk into any Bank of America, a customer service rep should be able to help you in person.  Sometimes I've found their telephone support to be lacking, but I've had very good luck in person with their representatives (of every color).

  2. Get the name of the person you spoke with.

    Send a letter. For added assurance (in case the customer service rep made a mistake), write a short cancellation letter to the card issuer, directed to the name of the person you spoke with. Request written confirmation of the account's closure. This must be  done in conjunction with the phone call. The letter should include your name, address, phone number and account number, and details from your earlier phone call. Also, state that you want your credit report to reflect that the account was "closed at the consumer's request." Now that credit cards get opened and closed so often, credit scores don't penalize consumers as much for closing accounts. Still, it's still a good idea to help ensure that no one thinks the card issuer closed the account.

    Being extra cautious isn't a bad thing. Make sure you include a paragraph explaining that you want the balance on the card transferred to a different card.  Make a copy of the letter for your records. Additionally, you can place your destroyed credit card in the envelope with the letter. Send the letter via certified mail or return receipt requested so you have proof that the company received your letter.

    Good Luck

  3. Here are the answers to your question and how to get results the fast way.

    Report the company to banking regulators. Their mailing address is

    Division of Credit Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580

    or file a complaint online at

    Report the credit card issuer to the Comptroller of the Currency. Phone number is 202-874-4700.

    Report the company to your state's attorney general's office. You can find links to your state's AG website at Your state might allow you to file a complaint online. This is probably the most effective complaint to make as it is the attorney general's who have filed most of the lawsuits against credit card companies.

    Report the company to the Better Business Bureau. Submit your case for dispute resolution online at

    Hope this answers your question.

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The advice contained herein is for informational purposes only.  It is not to be construed as Legal Counsel nor Legal Advice.

  4. Bank of America is the most pathetic excuse of a financial institution around. Huge conglomerated banking aimed at one thing. Stealing from consumers. Beware of big banks. The little home town guys are always the best!!!

  5. Don't know what your race hangup is, but you are going about it the wrong way.  Phone calls are NOT the way to cancel an account.  Send a letter to the customer service address on your account statements.

  6. Bad customer service is not illegal, nor is it just limited to blacks.

    If you have a branch nearby, stop by and speak with a customer service representative, or the branch manager.  Explain to them what you want to do, your efforts so far, and that you want them to contact the credit card division for you and get it fixed.  Tell them you'll wait.  Be calm and polite, and understand that branch personel have limits on what they can do with credit cards.  Don't bring race into this.

    If you don't have a branch nearby, call customer service, ask to speak to a manager, and explain the situation.  Explain that you do not wish to be transfered, and that you wish for the manager to handle this for you personally.  Again, be calm and polite and do not bring race into this.

    If these don't work, recognize that Bank of America has pretty bad customer service, and decide whether you want to further put up with it or whether you are better off with another bank.

  7. Bank of America has always been a pain for me too.

    But, regardless, WHY do you want to close your card?  If you only have those 2 cards, DON'T close them.  It will damage your credit score to close a credit card.  (Unless you have like, 10, in which case, it is also bad)   Just keep it open, and don't use it if the balance is zero. (it's not going to earn you credit, but it won't hurt either.)

    But if you have your heart set on closing the card, which they will probably only do if the balance is zero, write a letter.

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