
It is just attention seeking, isn't it?

by  |  earlier

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Is it just me or is wearing a purity ring a form of attention seeking. I mean people who have had s*x don't wear a cap that says "I have been laid" and people who just go with the flow don't wear a t-shirt that says " I am not bothered" So why do people wear purity rings???

Attention seekers I say!!

But what do you think??




  1. its not attention seeking.

    i wore a purity ring until i lost the ring at school.

    for me, it reminded me of the commitment i made to myself and God. I didn't go flaunting and talking about it to everyone. if someone asked i would tell them though.

  2. I'm not sure why people wear purity rings.

    I was one of those people who said I was going to wait until marriage. I didn't, but I never wore a purity ring. It was personal to me and I honestly didn't think it was anyone else's business to know whether I had s*x yet or not.

  3. I agree with you. I have had s*x. I don't personally care what other people do but I bet they are secretly gagging for it. omg i would be. but yeah a ring. i mean why? why do they feel the need to announce anything at all about their sexuality to anyone.

  4. I think it has personal meaning for those who wear it. It's tough to stand your ground and uphold your morals with pressure weighing down on you from all angles. Maybe  looking at that ring reminds them of why they've made their choice, and gives them a sense of strength.

  5. Because they are proud that they have remained pure and most likely they belong to a group that promotes this, they tell them to wear the ring to promote the purity group.  Its all about getting more members into the group.

  6. If I remember correctly, when I was in High School there were little braclets that people wore to show how far they have gone sexually. So I would definatly consider that in the same category...but it is intresting you did not seem to mention it. You seem to be asking a question aiming at virgins, when all they have is more self respect to wait to have s*x untill they find the person they want. I do not think this makes them any different than you or I...rather they where a ring or not. Everyone likes attention to some degree, but I wouldnt say that your OPINION is techniclly valid.

  7. Let me first start out by saying, I am not a purity ring advocate. I am not religious in the least, nor do I necessarily believe in "waiting until marriage."

    However, rings are definitely symbolic.  Why do people wear wedding rings?  It's a commitment between two people and that is their symbol of that commitment.  I imagine it's the same sort of sentiment with purity rings.  They are making a commitment and that symbol is there to remind them every day of how important it is to them.

  8. I think it’s a form of security. Sense of security, to confirm to themselves and to the world that they are doing the right thing.

    Plus I think groups who believe in this promote it, so that their opinion spreads as the right thing to do, and that it’s not something shameful but to be proud of.

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