Can I please rant for a moment... And I know I have to take part of the blame. Ever have one of those people you work with that are trying to kill you or at the least make you crazy..?
Well I have one of them in spades. She is the know it all and the "I have done it all " and OH MY GOD " I am your boss and you are stupid and I have to tell you what to do all the time".
I have worked in hotels for over 10 years compared to her ONE hotel, the one we are at now..SO I do know a little of what I am doing..
We have a regular guest that she keeps going on and on about and when I bring him 'flirting' with me, she looks at me as if that is the most Ridiculous things she has ever heard, "he's wouldn't do that and you know it" funny thing is she does not know him and I have gone to dinner a few time when he is in town.
I know I am acting as much of a teenager as she is.. HELP ME STOP!!