
It is morally wrong to stay alive at a certain point?

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I have a heart condition and the doctors will not treat it.

I know that it will kill me eventually, but I do not know how long it will take.

I have several problems with the people of Earth.

The main reason why I feel that there is no point to being alive is because of the hatred from the people I live with.

One woman just said she would hit a 15 month old baby, that just about does it for my wishes to remain alive!

I know my heart is so very sensitive to people's feeling, so much so that I feel I have to hide it due to the fear of rejection.

Also I have to consider the fact that if I am dealing with abuse against me in my life that I cannot do things like recording people and so on.

I also get continuously moaned about by people that I am badly behaved, they complain about me all the time.

If think about the fact that they are so evil and selfish, then I cannot trust their moral values. Therefore there is nothing to compare mine against. How can I know how to behave?

I also find it impossible to fully appreciate the magnitude of such selfishness, it is like trying to swallow a great melon. I cannot get my head round the scale of it.

This is particularly the case for selfish arrogant woman who feel they have a right to kill their babies by aborting them. I saw the photo's on the internet of dead babies; I was trying not to cry, but I just had to know what it looked like.

I do not know how to deal with it.

There is such a lacking of feeling of compassion, I can't cope with how lacking it is. It is natural to think that I can go and talk it through with someone until I realize that they are just the same way.

I wouldn't be suprised if there is a woman who has s*x, just so that she can watch her baby get aborted, cut up and thrown in a bin for her own sexual enjoyment of watching it scream when it's limbs are sliced off alive.

I annoy people so much when I have to bully them into not doing something that does not risk my life because of my medical condition, therefore I have to consider the arguements supporting suicide as well as the arguements against.

The purpose of life cannot include fighting with each other and that is not what I am doing by forcing them to aviod risking my life.

I have to consider it and I have, but I am not at all sure.

I doubt you will have any respect for what I say, because you are the same way inclined, but just assume you were not and you did care as much as I do; would you agree with me that I should end it here and now?

I have seen evidence of the after-life and seen a ghost.

It shall not be long before my medical condition kills me anyway.

Should I take my life?

Snow Man




  1. Keep living until your last breath,  which means "hold on!"  Read the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling.  You are here for all the right least to inspire us.

  2. You   have  the answer  inside  your  heart..  what  you  do with it  is up to you...

      I  would not  take  my life...

       best of luck!

  3. I do not understand how you think you can put your decision off on other people. Sure, go ahead. Don't make a mess.

  4. I pray for Christ to give you hope and healing....AND eternal life.

    " I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly" - Jesus

  5. You should not take your own life.  Things are always darkest before dawn.

  6. Nah.  Learn to loosen up a bit.  There's a lot to love in this life, enjoy while you can.

  7. Hey snowman, my heart goes out to you. I know that you don't know me, and you probably don't believe me when I say that, but it's true. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you one thing. Even if you feel as though everyone on earth is messed up and hates you, God really cares deeply about you. He knows everything about you ( your good qualities and bad), and He would like to start a relationship with you... He can give you the comfort, joy, and the deepest love that you (and all of us) so desperately long for. Please do not end your life, you have a purpose.

    ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’

    1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV)

    Psalm 27:10 comes to mind

    Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. (NIV)

    The world may not accept you, your own parents, may not want you, or maybe you feel rejected and alone...God loves you, and so do I.

    Here is a website for you to check out:

  8. NO!  It is morally wrong to try to be God in the taking of life.  If you oppose abortion, as it seems you do here, then you should oppose what you are suggesting, on the same grounds.

    I am so sorry that you are ill.  But you have value and worth, as a human being--one of God's precious creations.  Fight for goodness and light.  Be the salt and light for the young to see.  It's all I can try to do and I'm healthy, for pete's sakes!

  9. Well, according to what you say, there's nothing -to you- to base your opinions of right and wrong on. So why poll about morality? (for the first question)

    for the last question - no.

    You cry because others hurt/kill other people. So how does it make it any more saner for you to hurt/kill yourself?

    My point is if you are dividing the world into the evil (those who hurt people)  and the not evil (those who think hurting people is bad)- then by killing - even yourself, which side does that put you on? Albeit it's your life - but you are completely focusing on the bad in the world. There is still some good to hold on to. Try thinking about what you can do with the life you have left in order to try to leave this world a better place.  

  10. wen its your time for you to go, you go.

  11. I am truly sorry about your condition. If you are not physically ending your life then no it is not morally wrong. God knows when it's your time to leave. Do you know Christ? If not, ask him for forgiveness, confess with your mouth and beleive with your heart that He was raised from the dead and you will be saved. Also, have faith the doctor does not have the FINAL word God does!!! God Bless You!

  12. No! Live it out, and live giving it everything you've got.

    Only when the man in black comes around, you should go.

    God has put us all here for a certain reason, and we should use this gift to give our best to the world.

  13. No, that would be the cowardly thing to do.

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