
It is my understanding that Hillary Clinton's campaign fund is $31 Million in the RED! Who picks up the tab?

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Do the people who extended her credit lose out? Will the Democratic Party take care of her overexpenditure? Will Bill Clinton put the proceeds from his book toward the unpaid campaign bills Hillary ran up?

It is unlikely that Hillary's backers will take care of this expense. I think they have written her off as a bad investment.

Will the poor creditors have to write off the $31 Million as a loss?




  1. that is one of the items she will be negotiating for her support.  the DNC will most likely take care of it and they have George Soros to fall back on if needed.

  2. Generally these bills are paid by only paying so much on the dollar.  Like, .25 cents on the dollar is what they would get.  They knew this going in so these are ones that took a chance that this could be their payoff.  The entire debt is never paid!

  3. Once the committee to elect dies, it doesn't have any debt.

    At this point, Hillary's backers can't "take care of this expense" because of campaign finance law.

  4. The committee to elect is a legal entity that does not necessarily end simply because her campaign has ended.  Traditionally, other candidates have used a variety of sources to cover campaign debts - personal interests, final contributions made by supporters interested in maintaining support for the candidate in their other political aspirations, the party, and oftentimes the party nominee.  They don't usually pay the whole amount, but they pay portions of the whole amount.  I imagine Hillary will use this same list in paying off her debts.  But, no, it is highly unlikely that the creditors will write this off as a complete loss.

  5. She does, she got baited by Obama into spending more money than she had to play keep up with him and she lost.  Ultimately, it is her responsibility to raise her own money during the primaries and she is responsible if she exceeds that.  She can always use it as a tax write off.

  6. Hillary in Debt

    By Amanda - June 3, 2008 at 10:58 am EDT

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    I am angry to hear the talking heads on all the so called news stations report that a Obama "insider" apparently spoke about the negotiations over Barack helping to pay off Hillarys astounding campaign debt! She started off this campaign with more money than God! Just because she mismanaged her campaign and campaign funds and can not raise money like Barack does from all his supporters doesn't mean Barack Obama is obligated to pay off her debt, of which the largest portion is to her personally for loans she gave herself for her campaign! That is just not right! I totally support Barack Obama and all he brings to this campaign however I would be extremely upset if his campaign paid off any part of her campaign debt she incurred while she used her dirty tactics against him! That just doesn't make any sense! Also I don't believe "Mr. and Mrs. or Ms. can hardly make ends meet"  have donated to Barack Obamas grass roots effort to have any part of that money make its way into Hillarys pocket!  Hillary and her husband have millions and it was her choice to loan herself that money!

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