
It is no secret that obama is well liked in Europe, but do you think?

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that either Germany, or French would ever elect a black president?




  1. German and French people have been electing presidents for a long time, its not the first time lol

    From what i know lots of people in France and Germany like Obama and that's not a secret. lol

  2. If they had the option they would. Race aside, Obama is a socialist and a globalist, and that is the main reason Europeans like him.  

  3. To Kevin S: Why do you and other rednecks think Obama sucks? What makes you think McCain is better? If Obama were a white dude he'd have 10 points lead right now or even more!  

    McCain doesn't bring anything to the table other than same ol c**p like Bush. McCain is egotistical, a bit psychotic and bitter about having been a prisoner in Vietnam.  He'll ruin this country with another war or continous war that's going to make U.S. go broke!

  4. It is true that Europeans prefer Obama over McCain because they see GWB through McCain's shadow. Germany has a female leader and should have no problem to accept a black US leader. As to France, their population is more like a United Nations and should have no problem neither.  To be honest, any candidate who does not look like Bush, does not smell like Bush, does not sound like Bush,  ... will very well be accepted by other nations.

  5. We can only speculate.  Remember, we haven't elected Obama yet.  I think that the first minority president will be a Republican.  Bush's cabinet and staff have been loaded with minorities at the highest levels.  The only African American member of Clinton's staff was his receptionist/secretary.    That doesn't make either of the last two administrations right or wrong.  The difference is that the Democratic party makes a considerable effort to influence the African American voters.  People who use race to help them decide weather or not they like a candidate, are likely to turn a deaf ear to the candidate's qualifications.  I think that's why the Republican party has attracted the most promising and well-spoken "black" politicians, since the days of Abraham Lincoln.  It was Joe Biden who gave a back-handed compliment to Obama last year, calling him "the first Bright and Clean African-American candidate"  because he was preceded by candidates such as Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Carol Mosely Braun.

    History has shown us that France and Germany have made several social and political 180's on race relations over the last century. I don't think that anyone should care what they think.

    And that guy Leslie S. needs to check his facts.  Napalm?  Oil?  Info you get from a blog isn't a good way to form an opinion.

    And "Curious" needs to change his name.  He obviously knows everything so "omniscient" would be more appropriate. Look it up

  6. Obama is half black and half white!

    More importantly, it is not his race that they like. It's that he may be an American leader who is not going to napalm innocent civilians for oil!

  7. No, Germany and France would never allow someone that did not have blueblood running for office. And even here, if Bush had not destroyed the nation, would we have had a woman and a minority running for President. The general thinking from people that will vote for Obama, when asked , will tell you that anyone will be better as president then the last 8 years of Bush.was. They could be fooled.

  8. If he was a good socialist/communist, yes they would. One or the other will soon have a Muslim president.

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