
It is not advisable to fly kites during a thunder storm?

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It is not advisable to fly kites during a thunder storm?




  1. because the lightning wants to find away to eath so it attcks your kite and electriqutes you by going down the cotton reel dont try it you can bee seriously ijured ir maybe dead

  2. That is correct.

  3. not really no.  Lightning strikes high places, trees, churches etc, so sticking a kite high up when theres lightning about is a bit risky.

    Also you'd get wet, and wheres the fun in that.

    Same reason they don't play golf in thunder storms.

  4. Not unless you're the bride of Frankenstein!!

    If the kite should be struck by lightning, either direct, or indirect strike, the charge would travel down the kite string and through you into the ground.  It is very unlikely that you would survive such an event.

  5. Yes because you can get electrocuted

  6. During a thunderstorm, it would be safe not to be outside because there's a lot of rain and it'll be hard to avoid the water. All the lightning has to do is strike the water and if you're close enough, you're history.

  7. ask Benjamin Franklin , he flew his kite in a storm.

  8. The most likely result is that your kite will accumulate enough water on it that it won't fly well...

    But also in a thunderstorm, it's likely that the gusty conditions wouldn't be great for flying a kite anyway.

    And... oh yeah, if it gets hit by lightning, you're toast.

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