
It is now widely felt that a world wide economic depression is less than a year away.?

by  |  earlier

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What can we all do to prepare for when it all comes down? Guns,bullets,water filter,food......




  1. It is unlikely to be a depression just a recession, and even is there is  society will not collapse so you will not need  guns etc. In the 1930's  people got by  because of close family ties so family members with jobs helped those  who were unemployed. The best way to prepare is to get out of debt, save money, and strengthen family ties.

  2. I really believe that it is.  It saddens me to say so, but it's true. I mean I am not teller of the future but it seems to be getting worse.  We all need to start learning to live on less.  Start putting back extra food.  If possible learn how to grow some of our own food.  Learn to be more self sufficient.  Learn to take care of ourselves, and not depend on the grocery store right down the street.  Those types of things we need to teach ourselves.


  3. You can throw out your PC and TV, so you won't have to come to such conclusions from lies and scams.

  4. i think u should look at the facts before you judge.  there is no depression and you wont know you are in one for at least 2 years.  don't get caught up in the frippery.  the economy is acutally rolling right now (positive growth) Plasma tv sales are up; all appliance sales are up refrigerators etc.  don't be so pessimistic...we are not even in a recession we need a recession but a depression so relax. the psychological effect has gotten to u.  that attitude is what gets us into a depression...u fear spending and want to save...the idea is to spend-consumerism-there needs to be confidence in our economy...we will be okay in the long run

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