
It is odd if you act like your Rising Sign more than your Sun Sign?

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I don't know if anybody can relate to me...but personally, I think I act more like my rising sign Leo than my sun sign Taurus.

I'm always bossy and controlling. I'm very optimistic and positive. I love the attentions and I'm very egotistical. And kinda lazy and arrogant....I know the lazy part is both Taurus and

Here are my aspects in relation to my ascendant.

Sun Trine Ascendant 6.22 21

Saturn Trine Ascendant 6.26 12

Uranus Trine Ascendant 4.54 12





  1. Hey Arch!!  Isn't being controlling and bossy a Taurus trait too?  The Taurus I know are bit time---it seems like all the traits you described, although definitely Leo, are also definitely Taurus too!  idk but maybe you are very true to both:-)))

    Sun: Sadge

    Ascendant: Gemini

    Moon: Leo

  2. i could relate.

    i act just like my aries ascendent.

    aggressive, immature, proud, and err...well, let's face it. all aries are bi*ches at times. am i right?


    people often see me as very confrontational, and it's pretty d**n hard for me to avoid fights. lol!!!

    but i'm also very immature and always say to myself, "ME FIRST!!!"

    it's hard, cuz aries and cancer are complete opposites(since i'm a cancer sun) so i often contradict myself.

  3. Hi there,

    I've noticed that many cusp people, who have their Sun and ASC in these 2 signs of the particular cusp, usually identify more with their ASC than with their Sun...Personally, I never experienced that-although I think I'm starting to feel like this lately...So yeah, I think it's very normal.

    Anyway, I'm not sure, but I think I've read somewhere that you're more like your Rising sign until you're 30 and then switch back to your Sun that could be the case....Especially if you combine the Fire of your ASC with the Fire of your cusp.

    Also, I would especially take into any other planets which might be close to your Ascendant and yet form no aspects to it... like a conjunction, for example. A masculine and positive planet may have an influence on that, I think.

    Hope that helps..

  4. Is it odd if you act nothing like your sun or rising?  Why would that be odd?  Are you saying that you are so stagnant that I can look at your chart and know exactly what you are going to do from one day to the next?  

    I think you could "act like" anything in your chart.  Everything is constantly moving...Mercury, Venus, the Moon throughout your chart, right?  You chart is only a picture of the planets and such when you were born.  I think people are also influenced by their environment, their family, friends, and any number of other things going on in their lives.

  5. thats very interesting considering that my sun and rising  are both in leo w/ moon in aries so i act like my sun and rising all the time lol

  6. i wouldn't say its odd, i would say is logical.

  7. Eliza is a degree...about the change in life qualities of your sun/rising sign. It is not that you "change" into your sun sign so much as that by the time you reach age 30, you begin to perceive your life path more - which is what your sun sign rules.

    Often times, you cannot see the sun sign in children and young adults because they have only been on their life path for a short time. For example, when I was young, NO one could have guessed I was a Cancer because I didn't have any maternal qualities at all. In fact, people I went to high school with are absolutely shocked when they find out I am a stay at home mom of 4!!! The reason is that at that age, my life path was not apparent!! Only my personality which was determined by my rising sign!

    I like to think of your sun sign as the "noun" that describes you. For instance, as a Cancer I am a "mother." As a Taurus you are the "artist", the "builder" or the "entrepreneur" as some possible archetypes.

    Your rising sign determines what kind of artist/builder/entrepreneur you are. If your rising sign is Leo, some adjectives that describe you and your personality are: generous, authoritative, open, acitve and always the center of attention (or trying to be!!).

    So yes, it is typically more often that people will see you as your rising sign and you will relate more often to it. The purpose of your sun sign is to guide you to fulfillment, not to tell you what your personality is.

    With you being a Taurus/Leo rising you have a good chance of success. To reconcile the two signs, build your success through utilizing your network of friends.

    Hope this is helpful!!!



  8. Hi Arch:)

    In addition to the above comments, I'd also take into consideration that your ascendant is in an extroverted sign, while your sun and moon are in introverted signs, therefore it would make sense (to me anyhow) that your ascendant would be more apparent in your personality.

    Consider that your ascendant is just how you go about getting what you want (the sun). Since ascendant is trine sun, you use that to your advantage. I would say that what motivates you to action is still those things which are representative of your sun sign (i.e. comfort, security, stability, insert more Taurus keywords here, etc...), you just use the Leo ascendant to achieve those Taurean goals.

  9. A lol. I have sun Taurus and rising Leo too!

    I think I act more taurus than my rising. But I do have cancer moon... I act more-so like cancer moon than any-other planets.

  10. I don't know you very well, but from what I know I'd say you are very similar to me! I am very bossy, am told I am arrogant, and I love attention (h**l, I'm very tall, and thrive on being the leader of the group), and I get very lazy. I think it would mainly be the effects of Cancer moon through Taurus, and the fire rising sign means attracted attention (because people immediately find us sociable/approachable). The rising sign won't effect you that much. It's actually Cancerian moon that drives a lot of your inquistiveness, but the Taurus which puts it to use. Through your postings, the Taurus is much more prominant than Leo rising.

  11. I know what you mean hey, i am very much like my aquarius rising, i love all kinds of people, i can be a bit standoffish, detached, and have a quirky sense of humour. But i agree with the fact that this rising is a more dominant sign it will be more prominant in your personality.

    i deffinitly feel a lot like a cancer, but also very much my 'moon' in scorpio. Its so hard to know.

    Judging from you questions and answers i see you more as a happy friendly taurus, i have never found you arrogant :)

    good luck!

  12. Well with your Sun in Taurus, you could possibly have your Mercury & Venus in Aries, adding some more forceful fire to your chart, and adding weight to the Leo Rising... You also could have a strong Mars, or any number of planets in fire signs (Leo, Sag & Aries)... and the Moon plays a strong role in everyone's chart... so where is that?

    But in general, the Rising Sign is kind of like the face we present to the world, so the first thing people usually pick up on is the Rising Sign... but I am sure you have some Taurean traits...

    In most people, the core of a person's strongest chart elements are the Sun, Moon & Rising Sign.

  13. Hello Ach!

    I don't feel that you are a Aries/Taurus cusp. I see a lot of Taurus in you even though you do not see it. The Leo rising is defiantly prominent. However, I don't see much Aries. I think all of the traits that you mentioned above are a combo of the two. But you are suppost to. People perceive you as a Leo remember. However, those Taurus traits are deep within. Try to combine them. You can't live with one and not the other. You just wouldn't feel right. Just accept and love all qualities. Remember, you have friends that will help you through.

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